79R19582 JTR-D

By:  Solis                                                        H.R. No. 2269

WHEREAS, During his lifetime, Albert David Escalera of North Harris County has distinguished himself as an outstanding citizen, a dedicated serviceman, and a highly skilled professional in the demanding field of air traffic control; and WHEREAS, A native of San Antonio, Mr. Escalera served in the U.S. Air Force from 1960 to 1969, and he was awarded the Good Conduct Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Meritorious Service Award for his exemplary service; and WHEREAS, On his honorable discharge, he joined the Federal Aviation Administration as an air traffic controller, and he brought his characteristic diligence and intelligence to that demanding and vital role; and WHEREAS, Over the course of his 30–year career with the FAA, Mr. Escalera held a number of positions, including those of air traffic control specialist and supervisor and discrimination complaints investigator, and he received official recognition for his work in resolving complaints, garnering the National Air Traffic Customer Service Award for his efforts; and WHEREAS, His influence on his professional field has extended far beyond his retirement, as he was a member of the advisory committee that created the rules and regulations that govern the actions of every air traffic controller throughout the country; other organizations to benefit from his involvement have included the United Way and United Fund Services; and WHEREAS, Mr. Escalera's service to his country both in and out of uniform has set an inspiring example of engaged citizenship, and he is truly deserving of our admiration and appreciation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature hereby honor Albert David Escalera on his many contributions to his profession and to his country and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Escalera as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.