79R380 MCK-D

By:  Shapleigh                                                    S.B. No. 160

relating to the creation of an address confidentiality program to assist victims of family violence in maintaining confidential addresses. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Title 4, Family Code, is amended by adding Subtitle D to read as follows:
Sec. 95.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Applicant" means a person who applies to participate in the program. (2) "Mail" means first class mail and any mail sent by a government agency. The term does not include a package, regardless of size or type of mailing. (3) "Participant" means an applicant who is certified for participation in the program. (4) "Program" means the address confidentiality program created under this chapter. Sec. 95.002. ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM. (a) The secretary of state shall establish an address confidentiality program to assist a victim of family violence in maintaining a confidential address. (b) Under the program, the secretary of state shall: (1) designate a substitute address that a participant may use in place of the participant's true residential, business, or school address; (2) act as agent to receive service of process and mail for the participant; and (3) forward to the participant mail received for the participant. Sec. 95.003. APPLICATION. (a) An adult person, a parent or guardian acting for a child, or a guardian acting for a person adjudicated incapacitated under Chapter XIII, Texas Probate Code, may apply to the secretary of state to participate in the program. (b) An application under Subsection (a) must contain: (1) a sworn statement by the applicant that: (A) the applicant has good reason to believe that the applicant, the applicant's child, or another person in the applicant's household on whose behalf the application is made is a victim of family violence; and (B) the applicant fears for the safety of the applicant, the applicant's child, or the other person in the applicant's household on whose behalf the application is made; (2) the applicant's true residential address and telephone number and, if applicable, the applicant's business and school addresses; (3) a designation of the secretary of state as agent for purposes of service of process and receipt of mail; (4) a statement by the applicant that the applicant believes disclosure of the new address will increase the risk of family violence; and (5) the signature of the applicant and of the representative of any entity that assisted in the preparation of the application, and the date on which the applicant signed the application. Sec. 95.004. CERTIFICATION; EXPIRATION. (a) The secretary of state shall certify for participation in the program an applicant who files a properly completed application with the secretary of state. (b) A certification under this chapter expires on the fourth anniversary of the date of certification. Sec. 95.005. RENEWAL. The secretary of state, by rule, may establish a procedure to renew participation in the program. Sec. 95.006. WITHDRAWAL. A participant may withdraw from the program by notifying the secretary of state in writing of the withdrawal. Sec. 95.007. EXCLUSION FROM PROGRAM. (a) The secretary of state may exclude a participant from participating in the program if: (1) the participant changes the participant's true residential address as provided in the application under Section 95.003 and does not notify the secretary of state of the change in the manner provided by rules adopted by the secretary of state; or (2) mail forwarded to the participant by the secretary of state is returned as undeliverable. (b) The secretary of state shall exclude a participant from participating in the program if the participant: (1) knowingly makes a false statement on an application filed under Section 95.003; or (2) obtains a name change. (c) A participant who obtains a name change may reapply for participation in the program. The participant must include with the application documentation of the name change. Sec. 95.008. ACCEPTANCE OF SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS; EXEMPTIONS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a state or local agency must accept the substitute address designated by the secretary of state if the substitute address is presented to the agency by a participant as the participant's residential, business, or school address. (b) A state or local agency that has a statutory, taxable situs, or administrative requirement for the participant's true residential, business, or school address may request that the participant verbally provide the agency with the participant's true residential, business, or school address if the agency will use the address without permanently entering the address into the agency's records. An agency that does not have that capability shall accept the participant's substitute address designated by the secretary of state unless the secretary of state determines that the agency will only use the address for the statutory, taxable situs, or administrative requirement. Sec. 95.009. EXCEPTIONS TO DISCLOSURE. The secretary of state: (1) may disclose a participant's true residential, business, or school address if: (A) requested by a law enforcement agency; or (B) required by court order; and (2) may confirm that a person is a participant in the program. Sec. 95.010. CONFIDENTIALITY. Information relating to a participant: (1) is confidential, except as provided by Section 95.009; and (2) may not be disclosed under Chapter 552, Government Code. Sec. 95.011. PROGRAM ASSISTANCE. The secretary of state shall provide to each participant information regarding state and local agencies and other entities, whether for-profit or nonprofit, that provide counseling and shelter services to victims of family violence. Sec. 95.012. RULES. The secretary of state shall adopt rules necessary to administer the program. SECTION 2. Section 18.005(a), Election Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Each original and supplemental list of registered voters must: (1) contain the voter's name, residence address or substitute address, if required by Section 18.0051, date of birth, and registration number as provided by the statewide computerized voter registration list; (2) be arranged alphabetically by voter name; (3) contain the notation required by Section 15.111; and (4) until Section 13.122(d) expires, identify each voter registered by mail for the first time who failed to provide a copy of a document described by Section 63.0101 establishing the voter's identity at the time of registration. SECTION 3. Subchapter A, Chapter 18, Election Code, is amended by adding Section 18.0051 to read as follows: Sec. 18.0051. CONTENTS OF LIST: SUBSTITUTE ADDRESS. An original or supplemental list of registered voters must contain a voter's substitute address designated by the secretary of state under Section 95.002, Family Code, for use by the voter in place of the voter's true residential, business, or school address if the voter is eligible for early voting by mail under Section 82.007 and has submitted an early voting ballot application as required by Section 84.0021. SECTION 4. Chapter 82, Election Code, is amended by adding Section 82.007 to read as follows: Sec. 82.007. PARTICIPATION IN ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM. A qualified voter is eligible for early voting by mail if, at the time the voter's early voting ballot application is submitted, the voter is accepted for participation in the address confidentiality program administered by the secretary of state under Chapter 95, Family Code. SECTION 5. Subchapter A, Chapter 84, Election Code, is amended by adding Section 84.0021 to read as follows: Sec. 84.0021. CONTENTS OF APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPANT IN ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM; CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. (a) An early voting ballot application submitted by a qualified voter who is eligible for early voting by mail under Section 82.007 must include: (1) the applicant's name and address at which the applicant is registered to vote; (2) the substitute address designated by the secretary of state under Section 95.002, Family Code, for use by the voter in place of the voter's true residential, business, or school address; and (3) an indication of each election for which the applicant is applying for a ballot. (b) The information contained in an application under this section relating to the address at which the applicant is registered to vote is confidential, except that the information must be disclosed if: (1) requested by a law enforcement agency; or (2) required by court order. SECTION 6. Chapter 221, Election Code, is amended by adding Section 221.018 to read as follows: Sec. 221.018. EXAMINATION OF CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. (a) Notwithstanding Section 84.0021(b), the tribunal hearing an election contest may examine the information contained in an application under Section 84.0021 relating to the address at which the applicant is registered to vote. (b) Information may be examined under this section only for the purpose of hearing an election contest. SECTION 7. The secretary of state shall establish an address confidentiality program and adopt rules to administer the program as required by Chapter 95, Family Code, as added by this Act, not later than June 1, 2006. SECTION 8. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.