By:  Zaffirini                                                    S.B. No. 325

relating to the management of behavior of residents of certain facilities; providing an administrative penalty. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subtitle G, Title 4, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Chapter 322 to read as follows:
Sec. 322.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Facility" means: (A) a child-care institution, as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, including a state-operated facility, that is a residential treatment center or a child-care institution serving children with mental retardation; (B) an intermediate care facility licensed by the Department of Aging and Disability Services under Chapter 252 or operated by that department and exempt under Section 252.003 from the licensing requirements of that chapter; (C) a mental hospital or mental health facility, as defined by Section 571.003; (D) an institution, as defined by Section 242.002; (E) an assisted living facility, as defined by Section 247.002; or (F) a treatment facility, as defined by Section 464.001. (2) "Health and human services agency" means an agency listed in Section 531.001, Government Code. (3) "Seclusion" means the involuntary separation of a resident from other residents and the placement of the resident alone in an area from which the resident is prevented from leaving.
[Sections 322.002-322.050 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 322.051. CERTAIN RESTRAINTS PROHIBITED. (a) A person may not administer to a resident of a facility a restraint that: (1) obstructs the resident's airway, including a procedure that places anything in, on, or over the resident's mouth or nose; (2) impairs the resident's breathing by putting pressure on the torso; or (3) interferes with the resident's ability to communicate. (b) A person may use a prone or supine hold on the resident of a facility only if the person: (1) limits the hold to no longer than the period specified by rules adopted under Section 322.052; (2) uses the hold only as a last resort when other less restrictive interventions have proven to be ineffective; and (3) uses the hold only when an observer, who is trained to identify the risks associated with positional, compression, or restraint asphyxiation and with prone and supine holds and who is not involved in the restraint, is ensuring the resident's breathing is not impaired. (c) Small residential facilities and small residential service providers are exempt from Subsection (b)(3). Sec. 322.052. ADOPTION OF RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION PROCEDURES. (a) For each health and human services agency that regulates the care or treatment of a resident at a facility, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules to: (1) define acceptable restraint holds that minimize the risk of harm to a facility resident in accordance with this subchapter; (2) govern the use of seclusion of facility residents; and (3) develop practices to decrease the frequency of the use of restraint and seclusion. (b) The rules must permit prone and supine holds only as transitional holds for use on a resident of a facility. (c) A facility may adopt procedures for the facility's use of restraint and seclusion on a resident that regulate, more restrictively than is required by a rule of the regulating health and human services agency, the use of restraint and seclusion. Sec. 322.053. NOTIFICATION. The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission by rule shall ensure that each resident at a facility regulated by a health and human services agency and the resident's legally authorized representative are notified of the rules and policies related to restraints and seclusion. Sec. 322.054. RETALIATION PROHIBITED. (a) A facility may not discharge or otherwise retaliate against: (1) an employee, client, resident, or other person because the employee, client, resident, or other person files a complaint, presents a grievance, or otherwise provides in good faith information relating to the misuse of restraint or seclusion at the facility; or (2) a client or resident of the facility because someone on behalf of the client or resident files a complaint, presents a grievance, or otherwise provides in good faith information relating to the misuse of restraint or seclusion at the facility. (b) A health and human services agency that registers or otherwise licenses or certifies a facility may: (1) revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew the license, registration, or certification of a facility that violates Subsection (a); or (2) place on probation a facility that violates Subsection (a). (c) A health and human services agency that regulates a facility and that is authorized to impose an administrative penalty against the facility under other law may impose an administrative penalty against the facility for violating Subsection (a). Each day a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty. The amount of the penalty may not exceed the maximum amount that the agency may impose against the facility under the other law. The agency must follow the procedures it would follow in imposing an administrative penalty against the facility under the other law. (d) A facility may contest and appeal the imposition of an administrative penalty under Subsection (c) by following the same procedures the facility would follow in contesting or appealing an administrative penalty imposed against the facility by the agency under the other law. Sec. 322.055. MEDICAID WAIVER PROGRAM. A Medicaid waiver program provider, when providing supervised living or residential support, shall comply with this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter. SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 242.0373 to read as follows: Sec. 242.0373. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a resident of an institution shall comply with Chapter 322 and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 247, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 247.0255 to read as follows: Sec. 247.0255. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a resident of an assisted living facility shall comply with Chapter 322 and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 4. Subchapter A, Chapter 252, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 252.0085 to read as follows: Sec. 252.0085. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a resident of a facility licensed by the department under this chapter or operated by the department and exempt under Section 252.003 from the licensing requirements of this chapter shall comply with Chapter 322 and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 5. Subchapter A, Chapter 464, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 464.0095 to read as follows: Sec. 464.0095. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a client at a treatment facility shall comply with Chapter 322 and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 6. Chapter 571, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 571.0067 to read as follows: Sec. 571.0067. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a patient of a mental hospital or mental health facility shall comply with Chapter 322 and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 7. Subchapter C, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 42.0422 to read as follows: Sec. 42.0422. RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION. A person providing services to a resident of a child-care institution, including a state-operated facility that is a residential treatment center or a child-care institution serving children with mental retardation, shall comply with Chapter 322, Health and Safety Code, and the rules adopted under that chapter. SECTION 8. (a) In this section: (1) "Emergency" means a situation in which attempted preventive de-escalatory or redirection techniques have not effectively reduced the potential for injury and it is immediately necessary to intervene to prevent: (A) imminent probable death or substantial bodily harm to the person because the person overtly or continually threatens or attempts to commit suicide or threatens or attempts to commit serious bodily harm; or (B) imminent physical harm to another because the person overtly or continually makes or commits threats, attempts, or other acts. (2) "Executive commissioner" means the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. (3) "Facility" means: (A) a facility as defined by Section 322.001, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act; (B) a facility under the jurisdiction of the Texas Youth Commission; or (C) a public or private juvenile detention or correctional facility regulated by the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission under Chapter 141, Human Resources Code. (4) "Health and human services agency" means a health and human services agency listed in Section 531.001, Government Code, that regulates the care or treatment of a resident of a facility. (b) The executive commissioner shall establish a work group to recommend best practices in policy, training, safety, and risk management for the Texas Youth Commission, the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, or a health and human services agency to adopt to govern the management of facility residents' behavior. (c) The executive commissioner shall determine the number of members to serve on the work group. The executive commissioner shall appoint as members of the work group: (1) a representative of the Department of State Health Services; (2) a representative of the Department of Aging and Disability Services; (3) a representative of the Department of Family and Protective Services; (4) a representative of the Texas Youth Commission; (5) a representative of the Texas Education Agency; (6) a representative of the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission; (7) a representative of this state's protection and advocacy system established as required by 42 U.S.C. Section 15043 who is appointed by the administrative head of that system; and (8) additional members who are recognized experts or who represent the interests of facility residents, including advocates, family members, physicians, representatives of hospitals licensed under Chapter 241 or 577, Health and Safety Code, social workers, and psychiatric nurses. (d) The work group shall study and make recommendations on: (1) the development of a comprehensive reporting system that: (A) collects and analyzes data related to the use of: (i) physical, behavioral, and de-escalation interventions by employees of a facility to manage the behavior of facility residents in an emergency; and (ii) medication administered by employees to a facility resident without the resident's consent in an emergency; (B) complies with federal reporting requirements; (C) documents the death or serious injury of a facility resident related to physical intervention, seclusion, or restraint, including the administration of medication, by an employee; and (D) documents the death or serious injury of an employee during a physical intervention, seclusion, or restraint; (2) the prevention of the death of or serious injury to facility residents related to physical intervention or restraint; (3) de-escalation techniques and minimum standards to manage the behavior of facility residents in an emergency situation; (4) best practices for physical, behavioral, and de-escalation interventions by employees that include specific holds and techniques for the physical restraint of facility residents; (5) best practices related to specific populations, including any consideration that should be given to a facility's community or institutional setting; and (6) best practices related to seclusion of facility residents. (e) In recommending the best practices, the work group shall: (1) focus on the physical, behavioral, and de-escalation interventions used by facility employees to manage the behavior of facility residents in an emergency; and (2) support uniformity in definitions, reporting, and training used by the Texas Youth Commission, the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, and health and human services agencies. (f) The executive commissioner shall: (1) not later than November 1, 2005, establish the work group under Subsection (b) of this section; (2) not later than June 1, 2006, adopt rules necessary to implement Chapter 322, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act; (3) not later than July 1, 2006, file with the appropriate committees of the senate and the house of representatives a report that describes the work group's recommended best practices; (4) not later than November 1, 2006, adopt rules necessary to implement the best practices recommended by the work group; and (5) not later than January 1, 2007, file with the appropriate committees of the senate and the house of representatives for consideration by the 80th Legislature a report that describes the actions taken by the Texas Youth Commission, the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, and health and human services agencies to implement the best practices recommended by the work group. SECTION 9. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.