79R1039 RMB-D

By:  Ellis                                                        S.B. No. 663

relating to photograph and live lineup identification procedures in criminal cases. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 38, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by adding Article 38.20 to read as follows: Art. 38.20. PHOTOGRAPH AND LIVE LINEUP IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES. (a) A person administering a photograph or live lineup identification procedure to enable a witness to identify an offender for purposes of prosecution in a criminal case shall show the photographs or live lineup participants sequentially to the witness. The person shall require the witness to state whether the individual shown is the offender before the witness views the next photograph or live lineup participant. (b) Before a photograph or live lineup identification procedure, the person administering the procedure shall inform the witness that: (1) the offender may not be among those shown, and the witness is not required to make an identification; (2) the witness will be shown photographs or live lineup participants one at a time and will be required to state whether the individual shown is the offender before the witness views the next photograph or live lineup participant; and (3) the witness should not assume that the person administering the photograph or live lineup identification procedure knows which individual is the suspect in the case. (c) A witness who views a live lineup or photograph array must sign a form stating that the witness has received the information described by Subsection (b). (d) If the witness identifies an individual as the offender, the person administering the photograph or live lineup identification procedure shall require the witness to characterize the degree of certainty of the witness that the individual identified is the offender. (e) Only one member of a photograph array or live lineup may be a suspect in the case. The remaining members must be individuals who are not suspects but who satisfy the witness's previous description of the offender without appearing to be significantly different from the suspect. Five or more individuals who are not suspects must be included in the photograph array or live lineup. (f) The person who administers a photograph or live lineup identification procedure may not be made aware of which member of the photograph array or live lineup is the suspect in the case. (g) Information related to a photograph or live lineup identification procedure must be documented in writing, including: (1) identification information regarding the photographs or live lineup participants and sources of any photographs used; (2) names of all individuals present when the procedure was conducted; and (3) the date and time the procedure was conducted. (h) A live lineup identification procedure must be photographed or videotaped. The photographs or video from the procedure must be disclosed to the defendant and the attorney representing the defendant during discovery proceedings in the case. SECTION 2. Article 38.20, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, applies to any photograph or live lineup identification procedure that is conducted on or after the effective date of this Act. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.