2005S0303-1  02/18/05

By:  Lucio                                                        S.B. No. 799

relating to the eligibility of certain retired classroom teachers for loans under the professional educators home loan program. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subdivision (3), Subsection (a), Section 2306.562, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (3) "Professional educator" means a classroom teacher, full-time paid teacher's aide, full-time librarian, full-time counselor certified under Subchapter B, Chapter 21, Education Code, [or] full-time school nurse, or retired classroom teacher who taught in a school district in this state and who currently receives retirement benefits from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SECTION 2. Subsection (c), Section 2306.562, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) To be eligible for a loan under this section, a professional educator must, on the application date: (1) reside in this state [on the application date]; and (2) be employed by a school district in this state or be a retired classroom teacher who taught in a school district in this state and who currently receives retirement benefits from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas [on the application date]. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.