79R2964 CAS-D

By:  Lucio                                                        S.B. No. 966

relating to programs to recruit, train, and license nurses and other health care professionals in this state. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Subchapter Z-1 to read as follows:
Sec. 61.9631. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Nurse" and "nursing" have the meanings assigned by Section 301.002, Occupations Code. (2) "Nursing program" means a program of study described by Section 301.157, Occupations Code. Sec. 61.9632. RULES. The board shall adopt rules as necessary to administer this subchapter. Sec. 61.9633. PROGRAMS TO REDUCE SHORTAGE OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS OTHER THAN NURSES. (a) The board, in consultation with the Texas Education Agency and appropriate institutions of higher education, including health science centers, shall develop and implement a program to increase the number of students who apply to higher education health education programs in this state, other than nursing programs. (b) The program under Subsection (a) may include incentives to recruit and retain faculty and may include financial assistance for students to use in repaying amounts loaned for the costs of the health education programs. If the program includes incentives for faculty recruitment or retention or student loan repayment assistance for students, the board shall make determinations on the issues for which determinations are required by Section 61.9636(b) or 61.9637(d), as applicable. The board may include other means to recruit and retain faculty or students as part of the program if the board makes necessary determinations consistent with this subchapter to effect those means. (c) The board shall use money appropriated for purposes of a program under this section to pay the costs of the program. The board may solicit, accept, and use gifts, grants, and donations from a public or private entity to pay the costs of the program. (d) The board periodically shall consult with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education concerning the need and appropriate measures for increasing the number of students permitted in medical school residency programs located in areas of this state designated under 42 U.S.C. Section 254e as health professional shortage areas. Sec. 61.9634. BOARD CONSULTATION WITH OTHER ENTITIES TO ADDRESS NURSING SHORTAGE. The board, in consultation with medical schools, teaching hospitals affiliated with medical schools, the Board of Nurse Examiners, nursing education programs, and health care professionals, shall develop funding formulas as provided by Section 61.9635 and shall develop and implement programs as provided by Sections 61.9636, 61.9637, and 61.9638 to encourage recruiting, training, and licensing of nurses in this state. Sec. 61.9635. FUNDING FORMULAS FOR NURSING PROGRAMS. (a) The board shall develop a funding formula under which the legislature may make appropriations for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2007, to nursing education programs to enable the programs to provide incentives to recruit and retain graduate nursing students. (b) As soon as practicable after this Act takes effect, the board shall revise the formulas for funding nursing education programs to provide for an increase in appropriations to those programs to enable the programs to pay the costs of higher faculty salaries and other costs associated with recruiting and retaining faculty. This subsection expires September 1, 2007. Sec. 61.9636. INCENTIVE PROGRAM TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN NURSING PROGRAM FACULTY. (a) The board shall develop and implement a program under which a nursing education program offers incentives, including financial incentives, to recruit and retain faculty members. (b) In developing the program under Subsection (a), the board shall determine, as necessary, the types of incentives to be offered, the amounts of any financial incentives, which nursing education programs may offer the incentives, the eligibility requirements and any other conditions that must be met for each incentive, an application procedure and forms for applying for an incentive, criteria for selecting among applicants, any conditions that must be met to retain an incentive, and the term for which an incentive is to be provided. (c) The board shall use money appropriated for purposes of a program under this section to pay the costs of the program. The board may solicit, accept, and use gifts, grants, and donations from a public or private entity to pay the costs of the program. Sec. 61.9637. PILOT PROGRAM TO INCREASE NURSES AND NURSING FACULTY IN AREAS WITH CRITICAL SHORTAGE OF NURSES. (a) The Department of State Health Services, through rules adopted by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission, shall designate areas of this state with a critical shortage of nurses for purposes of this section. (b) The board shall develop a pilot program to increase the number of: (1) nurses working in areas of this state with a critical shortage of nurses; and (2) faculty members recruited and retained by nursing education programs located in areas of this state with a critical shortage of nurses. (c) The pilot program shall provide for nursing student loan repayment assistance for service as a nurse for at least three years in an area of this state with a critical shortage of nurses. (d) In developing the program, the board shall determine, as necessary, the amount and terms of repayment assistance to be offered to a student who participates in the program, eligibility requirements and any other conditions that must be met to receive assistance, the type of loan eligible for assistance, an application procedure and forms for applying for assistance, criteria for selecting among applicants, an agreement form under which the applicant agrees to serve as a nurse for at least three years in an area of this state with a critical shortage of nurses, and any termination of assistance or penalty for failure to complete the agreement. (e) Under the program, a nursing student may not receive a total amount of assistance greater than the total amount of the principal and interest due on the student's nursing program loan during the first three years that the nurse practices under an agreement entered into under this section in an area of this state with a critical shortage of nurses. (f) The board shall adopt incentives to increase the number of faculty members recruited and retained by a nursing education program in an area of this state with a critical shortage of nurses. In adopting the incentives, the board shall make determinations on the issues for which determinations are required by Section 61.9636(b). (g) The board shall use money appropriated for purposes of a program under this section to pay the costs of the program. The board may solicit, accept, and use gifts, grants, and donations from a public or private entity to pay the costs of the program. (h) This section expires September 1, 2011. Sec. 61.9638. PILOT PROGRAM FOR ACCELERATED OR ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES FOR NURSING PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE. (a) The board shall develop and implement a pilot program that establishes accelerated or alternative procedures for an applicant's acceptance into a nursing education program. (b) In developing the program under Subsection (a), the board shall require a nursing education program to consider, in making a decision on an applicant's admission to the program, an applicant's employment and other experiences in addition to the applicant's academic qualifications. (c) This section expires September 1, 2011. Sec. 61.9639. STUDY AND REPORT CONCERNING STATUTES AND RULES AFFECTING NURSING PROGRAMS. (a) To address the state's current nursing shortage, the board, in consultation with the Board of Nurse Examiners, shall study state statutes and rules regulating nursing and shall consider changes in those statutes or rules that may increase the number of applicants accepted into nursing education programs. (b) As part of the study under Subsection (a), the board shall review the enrollment capacity of nursing education programs, the current clinical faculty–to–student ratio requirements, whether the ratio requirements impede the growth of nursing programs, and other matters the board considers appropriate. Not later than December 31, 2006, the board shall report the findings of the study to the legislature and make recommendations for statutory and rules changes or other actions to reduce the state's nursing shortage. (c) This section expires January 31, 2007. SECTION 2. (a) Not later than November 1, 2005, in accordance with Section 61.9633(d), Education Code, as added by this Act, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall begin to consult with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education concerning the need and appropriate measures for increasing the number of students permitted in the residency programs of medical schools located in areas of this state designated as health professional shortage areas. (b) Not later than April 1, 2006, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall develop a funding formula for nursing programs as required by Section 61.9635(a), Education Code, as added by this Act. (c) Not later than September 1, 2006, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall develop and implement programs to increase the recruiting, training, and licensing of nurses and other health care professionals, as provided by Sections 61.9633, 61.9636, 61.9637, and 61.9638, Education Code, as added by this Act. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.