By:  Madla                                                        S.B. No. 1240

relating to the employment of physicians by a rural hospital. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 162, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
Sec. 162.301. Application of Subchapter. This subchapter applies only to a hospital located in a county with a population of 50,000 or less; or designated as a critical access hospital under the authority of and in compliance with 42 U.S.C. Section 1395i-4 or as a sole community hospital under the authority of and in compliance with 42 U.S.C. Section 1395ww(d)(5)(D)(iii). Sec. 162.302. Legislative Findings. (a) The Legislature finds that a number of rural Texas communities are having great difficulty recruiting and retaining physicians. There is a shortage of physicians in rural Texas and this shortage limits access to health care by residents of rural communities. (b) The Legislature finds that allowing rural hospitals to directly employ physicians will allow rural hospitals to provide economic security adequate for a physician to relocate and reside in their communities and will help rural hospitals to recruit physicians to provide medically necessary services in their communities. (c) The Legislature intends that a hospital meeting the conditions set forth in this section be able to employ physicians directly and to charge for their professional services. (4) The Legislature further intends that a hospital not interfere with, control, or otherwise direct a physician's professional judgment. Sec. 162.303. Employment of Physician Permitted. A hospital that (1) is designated as a critical access hospital under the authority of and in compliance with 42 U.S.C. Section 1395i-4 or as a sole community hospital under the authority of and in compliance with 42 U.S.C. Section 1395ww(d)(5)(D)(iii) or (2) is not located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as defined by the federal Office of Management and Budget. may employ a physician to provide medical services at the hospital and may retain all or part of the professional income generated by such physician for medical services provided at the hospital. Sec. 162.304. Independent Medical Judgment of Physician. (a) A hospital subject to this subchapter shall adopt and maintain policies to ensure that a physician whose professional income is retained under Section 162.303 is exercising the physician's independent medical judgment in providing care to patients in the hospital. (b) The policies adopted under this section must include policies relating to credentialing, quality assurance, utilization review, peer review, medical decision-making, and due process. (c) Each physician employed by the hospital shall provide to the board biennially a signed statement indicating that the physician: (1) is licensed by the board; (2) will exercise independent medical judgment in all matters relating to credentialing, quality assurance, utilization review, peer review, medical decision-making, and due process; and (3) will report immediately to the board any action or event that the physician reasonably and in good faith believes constitutes a compromise of the independent judgment of an employed physician in caring for a patient in the hospital. Sec. 162.305. Certification of Hospital by Board. (a) A hospital that employs physicians and retains a physician's professional income under Section 162.303 must be certified by the board as being in compliance with this subchapter. (b) The board shall prescribe an application form to be provided to the hospital and may adopt rules as necessary to administer this subchapter. (c) The board may prescribe and assess a fee for the certification of a hospital and for investigation and review of the hospital in an amount not to exceed the fee assessed on an organization described by Section 162.001. Sec. 162.306. Biennial Report. A hospital certified under Section 162.305 shall provide to the board a biennial report certifying that the hospital is in compliance with this subchapter. Sec. 162.307. Suspension or Revocation of Certification. If the board determines at any time that a hospital certified under Section 162.305 has failed to comply with this subchapter, the board may suspend or revoke the hospital's certification. SECTION 2. This act takes effect September 1, 2005.