By:  Williams                                                     S.B. No. 1573

relating to the state employee incentive program, including abolishing the Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 2108.021, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.001, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.001 [2108.021]. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter [subchapter]: (1) "Agency coordinator" means a state employee who is designated by the administrative head [executive director] of the employee's agency to oversee a program the [act as the liaison between that] agency adopts under this chapter [and the commission]. (2) "Award" means any item used in recognition of a state employee who submits a suggestion under this chapter [a bonus or certificate of appreciation]. (3) "Cash award" ["Bonus"] means a monetary award that is granted to a state employee in recognition of [payment for] an employee suggestion. (4) "Certificate of appreciation" means a nonmonetary award that is granted to a state employee in recognition of an employee suggestion. (5) "Incentive program" means a [the] state employee incentive program authorized under this chapter. (6) "State agency" means a department, commission, board, office, or other agency in the executive or judicial branch of government that is created under the constitution or a statute of this state. (7) "State employee" means an employee of a state agency and does not include an elected or appointed agency official. (8) "State employee group" means a group of two [four] or more state employees employed by the same state agency. SECTION 2. Section 2108.022, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.002, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.002 [2108.022]. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. (a) A state agency may adopt a state employee incentive program consistent with this chapter. (b) The purposes of the [state employee] incentive program are to: (1) reduce state expenditures, increase state revenues, and improve the quality of state services; and (2) recognize the contributions made by certain state employees in achieving the purposes of this chapter [goals described in Subdivision (1)]. (c) A state agency that adopts an incentive program shall develop written policies, procedures, and record-keeping measures to administer the program in an equitable and consistent manner that is consistent with this chapter. Such policies and procedures shall address: (1) situations in which similar but separate suggestions are submitted by different state employees within a certain time frame; (2) the equitable distribution of awards among various employees who submit a suggestion; (3) whether a state employee who has submitted a suggestion and who is later separated from employment with the agency or who is deceased is eligible to receive an award under this chapter; (4) factors that will guide a determination of whether a gift certificate, a certificate of appreciation, or other form of recognition will be awarded instead of a cash award; (5) whether decisions will be made administratively or by the agency's governing body; (6) whether and how a redetermination of an agency decision will be permitted; and (7) the number of years that will be used in computing the amount of net annual savings or revenues a suggestion is projected to create or has actually created. (d) Suggestions and decisions shall be governed by the state agency's policies, procedures, and criteria that are in effect at the time the state employee submitted the suggestion. (e) A state [(b) An] employee may be recognized [compensated] for a suggestion under the incentive program only as provided by this chapter [subchapter]. SECTION 3. Section 2108.023, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.003, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.003 [2108.023]. AWARDS. (a) A state agency [The commission] may grant an award to an eligible state employee who makes a suggestion that: (1) reduces state expenditures, increases state revenues, increases agency productivity, or improves the quality of state services; [and] (2) relates to the agency and: (A) conserves energy; (B) enhances safety; (C) improves customer service; or (D) results in the adoption of any other innovation or improvement; and (3) is approved and implemented. (b) The state agency [commission] may grant an award during or after [before the end of] the first year in which a suggestion is implemented. (c) The state agency [An award] must decide whether recognition for a suggestion is warranted and must compute a cash award, if appropriate, based [be computed] on the net [annual] actual or projected savings or increased revenues, including savings or increased revenues that: (1) are realized during the period the suggestion covers, with such period not to exceed the number of years the agency determines by policy; (2) result from increased productivity; and (3) [, that] are certified by the affected state agency [and the commission]. (d) The value of an award shall not exceed the lesser [An employee is eligible for a bonus] of 10 percent of the net savings or revenue increases or[, not to exceed an award of] $5,000. The choice of award must be in accordance with state agency policy and may consist of: (1) a cash award; (2) a gift certificate; (3) a certificate of appreciation; (4) administrative leave; or (5) any other noncash award the state agency deems appropriate[, if the employee's suggestion results in savings or increased revenues, including savings or increased revenues that result from increased productivity, that: [(1) can be computed using a cost-benefit analysis; and [(2) equal or exceed $500 after implementation costs. [(e) An employee is not eligible for a bonus but may be recognized by a certificate of appreciation if the employee's suggestion results in: [(1) intangible savings or benefits that cannot be computed using a cost-benefit analysis; or [(2) a net annual savings or increase in revenues of less than $500. [(f) The commission may also issue a certificate of appreciation to each employee who is granted a bonus under this subchapter. [(g) The commission shall divide any bonus for a suggestion submitted by more than one employee among the employees submitting it]. SECTION 4. Section 2108.0236, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.004, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.004 [2108.0236]. STATE EMPLOYEE GROUPS. (a) A state employee group each member of which is eligible under Section 2108.005 [2108.024] may submit a suggestion as a group. Except as provided by this section, each provision in this chapter [subchapter] that applies to a state employee or a state employee suggestion applies, as appropriate, to a state employee group[, each member of a state employee group,] or a suggestion submitted by a state employee group. (b) A state employee group is eligible for a total cash award [bonus] of 10 percent of the [first-year] net savings or revenue increases, not to exceed an award of $5,000, with the cash award to be shared by the members [for each member] of the [state employee] group in accordance with state agency policy[, if the state employee group's suggestion results in savings or increased revenues to a state agency, including savings or increased revenues that result from increased productivity, that: [(1) can be computed using a cost-benefit analysis; and [(2) equal or exceed $500 after implementation costs. [(c) The commission shall divide any bonus for a suggestion submitted by a state employee group equally among the members of the group]. SECTION 5. Section 2108.024, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.005, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.005 [2108.024]. EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE. (a) Each [state] employee of a state agency that adopts an incentive program under this chapter is eligible to participate in the [incentive] program except an employee: (1) who has authority to implement the suggestion being made; (2) who is on an unpaid leave of absence; (3) whose job description includes responsibility for cost analysis, efficiency analysis, savings implementation, or other similar programs in the employee's agency; (4) who is involved in or has access to agency research and development information used as the basis of the suggestion; (5) whose job description or routine job duties include developing the type of change in agency operations recommended by the suggestion; or (6) [who is an employee of the commission; or [(7)] who is an elected or appointed official. (b) A state [An] employee who is temporarily assigned by the employee's agency to a group that is established for the purpose of developing process improvements in that agency is not ineligible under Subsection (a)(1) or (5) to participate in the incentive program solely because of the employee's participation in that group. (c) A state agency may adopt, by policy, other criteria regarding eligibility to participate in the incentive program or eligibility to receive an award under this chapter. Policies adopted under this subsection must be consistent with the eligibility provisions of this chapter. SECTION 6. Section 2108.037, Government Code, is renumbered as Section 2108.006, Government Code, and is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2108.006 [2108.037]. TRANSFER OF SAVINGS [RETENTION OF FUNDS]. A state [(a) The commission and the affected agency shall certify to the comptroller the amount of the actual or projected savings or increased revenues attributable to an implemented suggestion. [(b) The affected agency shall retain the amount of the actual or projected savings or increased revenues attributable to an implemented suggestion, to the extent that the savings comes from funds appropriated to the affected agency. A portion of the savings or revenues shall be used by the affected agency to pay bonuses awarded by the commission under this subchapter. [(c) The affected] agency may transfer savings attributable to an implemented suggestion from the first year of the fiscal biennium to the second year of the fiscal biennium. SECTION 7. Chapter 2108, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 2108.007 to read as follows: Sec. 2108.007. AGENCY DECISION FINAL; NO COURT REVIEW. A state agency decision under this chapter is final and is not subject to review by or appeal to a court or other entity. SECTION 8. Section 201.0192, Agriculture Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 201.0192. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE INFORMATION. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to state board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participating in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 9. Section 81.037, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 81.037. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to state bar employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108. SECTION 10. Section 2152.110, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2152.110. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to commission employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108. SECTION 11. Section 2306.0631, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2306.0631. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The director or the director's designee shall provide to department employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108. SECTION 12. Section 2306.6019, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2306.6019. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The division director or the division director's designee shall provide to division employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108. SECTION 13. Section 253.008, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 253.008. TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES ON STATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 14. Section 651.0512, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 651.0512. TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES ON STATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to commission employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 15. Section 901.106, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 901.106. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 16. Section 1001.156, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1001.156. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 17. Section 1051.157, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1051.157. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 18. Section 1071.107, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1071.107. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 19. Section 1151.074, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1151.074. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to board employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 20. Section 11.0127, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 11.0127. TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES ON STATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The director or the director's designee shall provide to agency employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 21. Section 5.2275, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 5.2275. STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive director or the executive director's designee shall provide to commission employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 22. Section 6.196, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 6.196. TRAINING ON STATE EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. The executive administrator or the executive administrator's designee shall provide to agency employees information and training on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee incentive program under [Subchapter B,] Chapter 2108, Government Code. SECTION 23. (a) Subchapters A and C, Chapter 2108, Government Code, are repealed. (b) The heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 2108, Government Code, is repealed. (c) Sections 2108.0235, 2108.025 through 2108.036, and 2108.039, Government Code, are repealed. SECTION 24. The Texas Incentive and Productivity Commission established under Subchapter A, Chapter 2108, Government Code, as that subchapter existed prior to repeal by this Act, is abolished on the effective date of this Act. SECTION 25. This Act takes effect September 1, 2005.