By:  Harris                                                       S.B. No. 1765

relating to certain programs and permits administered by the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 43.353, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.353. PERMIT IS DEFENSE. In any prosecution for the unlawful possession or transportation of white-tailed deer or mule deer, the possession of a permit issued under this subchapter to the accused is a complete defense if the conduct was authorized under the terms of the permit a person does not commit an offense unless the person intentionally, knowingly, or with criminal negligence engages in conduct that violates the terms of the permit. SECTION 2. Section 43.355, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: 43.355. CONDITIONS OF PERMIT; EXPIRATION; FEES. (a) The department shall issue the scientific breeder's permit under conditions determined by the commission, including specifying the number of white-tailed deer or mule deer that may be possessed and providing for an endorsement by a certified wildlife biologist or another person permitted under this subchapter. (b) A scientific breeder's permit is valid only during the yearly period for which the permit is issued without regard to the date on which the permit is acquired. Each yearly period begins on September 1 or on another date set by the [commission] legislature and extends through August 31 of the next year or another date set by the [commission] legislature. (c) The fee for a scientific breeder's permit is $50 or an amount set by the [commission] legislature, whichever amount is more. SECTION 3. Section 43.356, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.356. SERIAL NUMBER. (a) The department shall issue a serial number to the applicant at the time of the first issuance of a scientific breeder's permit to the applicant. The same serial number shall be assigned to the permittee whenever he holds a scientific breeder's permit. (b) The scientific breeder shall place a suitable permanent tag or identification microchip implant bearing the scientific breeder's serial number on the ear or in the body of each white-tailed deer or mule deer possessed by the scientific breeder and shall place on the white-tailed deer or mule deer any other identification marking prescribed by the commission. SECTION 4. Section 43.357, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.357. PERMIT PRIVILEGES; REGULATIONS. (a) The holder of a valid scientific breeder's permit may: (1) engage in the business of breeding white-tailed deer [in the immediate locality for which the license was issued]; and (2) sell or hold in captivity white-tailed deer or mule deer for the purpose of propagation or sale. (b) The commission may make regulations governing: (1) the possession of white-tailed deer and mule deer for scientific, management, and propagation purposes; and (2) the recapture of lawfully possessed white-tailed deer or mule deer that have escaped from a facility of a scientific breeder. SECTION 5. Section 43.358, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.358. INSPECTION. An authorized employee of the department may inspect [at any time and without warrant] with the consent of the holder of a valid scientific breeder's permit: (1) any pen, coop, or enclosure holding white-tailed deer or mule deer; or (2) any records required to be maintained under Section 43.359(a). SECTION 6. Section 43.359, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.359. REPORTS. (a) A scientific breeder shall maintain an accurate record of white-tailed deer and mule deer acquired, purchased, propagated, sold, or disposed of and any other information required by the department that reasonably relates to the regulation of scientific breeders. The record shall be maintained on a form provided by the department. (b) A scientific breeder shall report the information maintained under Subsection (a) to the department annually unless a request is made by the department under Section 43.358. SECTION 7. Section 43.365, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.365. PROHIBITED ACTS. It is an offense if a scientific breeder: (1) takes, traps, or captures or attempts to take, trap, or capture white-tailed deer or mule deer from the wild; (2) allows the hunting or killing of a white-tailed deer or mule deer held in captivity under the provisions of this subchapter; or (3) fails to furnish in a reasonable time or manner to a game warden commissioned by the department records required to be maintained under Section 43.359(a). SECTION 8. Section 43.367, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 43.367. PENALTY. A person who knowingly violates a provision of this subchapter, the conditions of a permit, or a regulation of the commission issued under this subchapter or who fails to file a full and complete report as required by Section 43.359 of this code or any other permit or document required by this department under this subchapter commits an offense that is a Class C Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor. SECTION 9. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2005.