WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to join citizens from across the state in observing February 8, 2005, as Kidney Day at the Capitol; and WHEREAS, Kidney Day at the Capitol is hosted by the Texas Renal Coalition; the event brings public attention to the problems of kidney patients and informs the Texas Legislature about the public policy concerns and needs of kidney patients; and WHEREAS, The Texas Renal Coalition functions as a clearinghouse for information related to legislative issues and serves as a forum for all parties involved in the treatment, research, or educational programs related to kidney disease; and WHEREAS, The Texas Renal Coalition and the National Kidney Foundation Affiliates of Texas monitor health policies for both dialysis and transplant patients and offer educational programs to improve public awareness of kidney disease; and WHEREAS, Currently, Texas has approximately 36,000 kidney patients on some form of dialysis and approximately 8,000 patients who are transplant recipients; and WHEREAS, Visiting us today are two individuals whose stories illuminate the needs of the thousands of Texans suffering from kidney disease; one of these persons has been on dialysis for almost 30 years; the other person was fortunate to become a mother after being on dialysis for four years; and WHEREAS, The kidney organizations, dedicated volunteers, and health professionals in our state work in tandem to ensure the finest care for people afflicted with kidney ailments, and they deserve recognition for their dedication and many achievements; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby proclaim February 8, 2005, Kidney Day at the Capitol and extend a warm welcome to the kidney patients and the kidney health care advocates who are visiting us today; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the Texas Renal Coalition in appreciation of Kidney Day at the Capitol. Barrientos, Armbrister, Duncan, Harris ______________________________ ______________________________ Member, Texas Senate Member, Texas Senate ____________________________________________________________ Member, Texas Senate Member, Texas Senate ______________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on February 8, 2005. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate