WHEREAS, Members of the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas are observing their Legislative Day at the State Capitol on February 23, 2005, and this occasion provides a fitting opportunity to pay tribute to this outstanding group; and WHEREAS, Organized in 1934, the association was created through the unification of two separate organizations, the Tax Assessors Association and the Tax Collectors Association; and WHEREAS, The group held its first meeting on May 21, 1935, in Lubbock, with the goals of securing the benefits of an organized effort, exchanging ideas and discussing mutual problems, and establishing an annual conference; and WHEREAS, Albert Turner of Jasper County was elected as the association's first president, and Paul Williams was elected as secretary-treasurer, a position he held for nearly a decade; C. R. "Roy" Law also served as secretary-treasurer for many years, and his exceptional leadership is credited with providing solid direction for the association; and WHEREAS, Since its inception, the association has worked diligently in behalf of the tax assessors and collectors across Texas, and its efforts include support for four-year terms of office and a retirement system for county officials; in addition, attendance at the annual conference has continued to increase, and today, members come from most of the state's 254 counties; and WHEREAS, The Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas has truly been an asset to our citizenry through the years, and it is a pleasure to recognize the contributions of its members as they participate in Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas Legislative Day; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby honor the Tax Assessor-Collectors Association of Texas and extend to its members best wishes for a memorable visit to the State Capitol. Wentworth ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on February 23, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate