WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is pleased to recognize Monday, February 28, 2005, as Prairie View A&M University Alumni Day at the Capitol; and WHEREAS, Prairie View A&M University, a leading national historically black university, for more than a century has provided students with an outstanding college education, and its list of notable alumni is a testament to the institution's dedication to molding strong character, promoting higher values, and striving for academic excellence; and WHEREAS, Staying true to the slogan "Prairie View Produces Productive People," the university has educated a host of distinguished professionals, including medical doctors such as Harmon Kelley, Gerard Mosby, Terry Major-Kincade, Keith Crawford, Freddie Davis-Douglass, and Janice Kelly; engineers such as Nathelyne Kennedy, Clifford Ward, Charles Gooden, Roy G. Perry, Edward Jones, and Dr. Oree Dyes; educators such as Franklin Wesley, Dr. Sidney McPhee, Kevin Bullock, Dr. George Brown, and Dr. Shirley Neeley; nurses such as Dr. Bettye Davis-Lewis, Lillian Bernard, Odelia Peters, Dr. Laurie Mitchell, Lois Moore, and Ruth Kennedy; and lawyers such Lonnie Davis, Horace St. Julian, and Louis Bedford, Jr.; and WHEREAS, Also graduates of Prairie View A&M University are such distinguished national and state legislators as Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver II, State Representative Senfronia Thompson, former Congressman Craig Washington, and former State Representative Reby Cary; and such community leaders as Tamra Wiley Lewis, Dr. Mattie Scott Londow, Calvin Bluiett, Don Clark, Talmadge Sharp, Sr., and Mayor Frank Jackson; and such business leaders as Dr. Samuel Metters, Donald Sowell, Dr. Al T. Burrs, Sr., Charles Swindell, Bill Calhoun, Jamie House, and Kase Lawal; and WHEREAS, Prairie View A&M University has played a significant role in the development of this state through the education of countless Texans, and it will undoubtedly nurture generations of new leaders who will continue the tradition of civic engagement, community support, and public service embraced by its alumni today; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby honor Prairie View A&M University for its many contributions to our state and pay tribute to its alumni on their exceptional accomplishments; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a memento of Prairie View A&M University Alumni Day at the Capitol. West, Ellis ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on February 28, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate