WHEREAS, Students and alumni of Prairie View A&M University, a leading nationally recognized historically black university, take justifiable pride in their alma mater, which is now preparing to celebrate its 130th anniversary in 2006; and WHEREAS, Prairie View A&M University, one of the two oldest public institutions of higher learning in the Lone Star State, was founded in 1876 under the Texas Constitution and the Morrill Land Grant College Acts of 1862 and 1890; founded with the purpose of educating African-American students, the university has long been recognized as a valuable asset to the State of Texas and our nation; and WHEREAS, Over the years, the university has established itself as an outstanding institution of higher learning for those in pursuit of knowledge, regardless of their race, color, creed, religious beliefs, or national origin; it is well known that the university has produced a remarkable number of our state's most respected professionals and leaders, including nurses, engineers, educators, and military officers; and WHEREAS, Prairie View A&M University's staff and faculty have committed themselves to meeting the educational needs of the community by fostering a harmonious balance between preparation for professional specialization and the liberal arts and sciences curriculum, thereby ensuring that the university remain an indispensable institution in our state; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby congratulate Prairie View A&M University on its upcoming 130th anniversary and extend sincere best wishes for continued success and growth in the years ahead; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the institution as an expression of high regard by the Texas Senate. Ellis ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on February 28, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate