WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to join the proud citizens of Victoria in celebrating Victoria Day at the State Capitol on Wednesday, March 9, 2005; and WHEREAS, The City of Victoria and Victoria County have a rich history; one of the historical highlights was when the Republic of Mexico approved Don Martin DeLeon's request for a large land grant on the lower Guadalupe River in 1824; and WHEREAS, A highly respected Mexican citizen, Don Martin DeLeon received permission to establish a town at a site known earlier as Cypress Grove; established with 41 families, the town would become known as Victoria, named after Guadalupe Victoria, the president of Mexico; and WHEREAS, Victoria's Main Street today was known then as La Calle de los Diez Amigos, or The Street of the Ten Friends; the town was incorporated under the Republic of Texas in 1839 and the first property taxes were assessed in 1843; and WHEREAS, Ranching was the first major enterprise in the area, and it brought in capital needed for development; commercial ventures became successful, and by 1917, paved streets were becoming common; by the end of World War II, Victoria had become one of the fastest-growing cities in Texas; and WHEREAS, The city has a symphony orchestra, a fine arts association, museums, libraries, and the National Zoo of Texas, which is home to more than 200 native Texas animals and plants; and WHEREAS, Three major highways, railroads, and commercial airlines make Victoria easily accessible to major businesses; it is also located on a barge canal which is connected to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway; as the Victoria County seat, the city serves as the commercial center of this thriving area; and WHEREAS, In the fall of 2004, in front of the sign at the entrance to The Street of the Ten Friends, the Victoria Chamber of Commerce and the Victoria Hispanic Chamber of Commerce announced their intent to merge their two successful organizations; today, the Victoria Chamber of Commerce is stronger for that union and better represents the business community that it serves; and WHEREAS, Victoria is home to excellent public schools, a number of major employers, a university, and a community college; the city offers first-rate medical care, and it is an inviting city with an expanding economy; and WHEREAS, The largest city in the "Golden Crescent Region," Victoria serves as the health, education, government, and retail service center for a five county market area with a population of over 185,000; the city thrives on the area's petrochemical industry, oil and gas exploration, retail trade, and agriculture; and WHEREAS, Two of the city's qualities that appeal to all ages are big-city convenience and small-town friendliness; Victoria is an excellent town in which to live, work, and raise a family, and it is known for its appealing mix of history, natural attractions, and thriving art scene; and WHEREAS, It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege for the Texas Senate to honor this outstanding city and its fine citizens on the occasion of Victoria Day at the State Capitol; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby express appreciation to the citizens of Victoria for their many contributions to our state; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the city and Victoria County as a memento of this special day. Armbrister ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on March 9, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate