WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas honors and commemorates the life of Omer Dee Simms, who died during World War II on March 19, 1945, aboard the USS Franklin in defense of this nation; and WHEREAS, Under attack from the Japanese Navy, the USS Franklin took two direct hits from a dive bomber, resulting in massive damage to the flight deck and aft section; only the valor and tenacity of the crew saved the aircraft carrier; and WHEREAS, Trapped belowdecks with a group of younger sailors, Omer courageously took charge; with disregard for his own safety, he opened a hatch and led the men to safety across a heavily damaged hangar deck; and WHEREAS, Omer was killed while directing this escape when a napalm bomb exploded; his bravery and resolve will remain as an example of one who gave "the last full measure of devotion" to his nation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the patriotism, courage, and sacrifice of Omer Dee Simms; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the family of Omer Dee Simms as an expression of high esteem from the Texas Senate. Brimer ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on April 12, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate