WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is honored to welcome a number of distinguished legislators present this day from Tamaulipas, Mexico, and to commend them for their invaluable service on behalf of our nations' common goals for the border region; and WHEREAS, These dedicated public servants have provided vital support to such mutually beneficial projects as construction on international bridges and work on interconnected highways between our two countries, demonstrating their strong commitment to enhancing economic development in the border region; and WHEREAS, To that end, several of these Tamaulipas state leaders also participated in a tour sponsored by the Rio Grande Valley Partnership, during which they traveled to various sites in the Valley to learn about significant initiatives taking place and to discuss issues of interest to members on both sides of the border; they were joined on the tour by Rio Grande Valley legislators and other officials from across the Lone Star State, including Senators Rodney Ellis and Leticia Van de Putte and State Representatives Tony Goolsby, Bob Griggs, Chuck Hopson, Bob Hunter, Jesse W. Jones, Mike Krusee, Anna Mowery, and Wayne Smith; and WHEREAS, Serving their citizens with vision and outstanding leadership are the following officials from the State of Tamaulipas: Speaker of the House Amira Gomez Tueme, General Secretary of the Congress Enrique Garza Tamez, and State Representatives Jose Francisco Rabago Castillo, Alejandro Ceniceros Martinez, Gloria Del Carmen Altamirano Elizondo, Alejandro Antonio Saenz Garza, Alejandro Felipe Martinez Rodriguez, Norma Leticia Salazar Vasquez, Hector Martin Garza Gonzalez, Anastacia Guadalupe Flores Valdez, Marco Cardenas Martinez, Armando Martinez Manriquez, Agustin Chapa Torres, and Ramon Garza Barrios; and WHEREAS, Both the tour and today's visit have helped to fortify the bond between the United States and Mexico, while serving the interests of citizens on both sides of the border, and it is a pleasure to pay tribute to all those involved for their leadership and commitment to a shared vision for the future; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby honor our esteemed guests from Tamaulipas, Mexico, and commend them for their notable efforts to enhance the border region for the benefit of all; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for them as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. Lucio ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on April 27, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate