WHEREAS, The 2.1 million Texans who are aged 65 or older have contributed to the general welfare of this state by helping to preserve our customs, convictions, and traditions; and WHEREAS, In 2004, more than 44,000 Texans who were elderly or who had a mental or physical disability were affected by abuse; elder abuse can happen to men and women of all income levels and all cultural and ethnic groups, whether they are in good health or incapacitated in some way and whether they live in poor neighborhoods or affluent suburbs; and WHEREAS, Many of these citizens are dependent on others for their care, making them susceptible to abusive or neglectful treatment; they may be ill, isolated, or without a capable caregiver or resources to meet basic needs; signs of mistreatment may include depression, withdrawal, physical injuries, and financial difficulties due to exploitation; and WHEREAS, Elder abuse is grossly underreported because the victims may find it difficult to tell anyone and are often ashamed or afraid; and WHEREAS, Dedicated professionals are working to strengthen the protective service resource network by engaging community service providers to prevent the escalation of abuse and by seeking to increase involvement of community organizations; and WHEREAS, It is essential that awareness of elder abuse be increased through public education in order to safeguard these vital and integral members of our society, who have so generously enriched our lives with their wisdom and experience; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby recognize May 2005 as Elder Abuse Prevention Month and encourage all Texans to report suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation and to work together to help protect our cherished senior citizens. Harris ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on May 23, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate