TO: | Honorable Phil King, Chair, House Committee on Regulated Industries |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB1693 by Naishtat (Relating to an energy-efficient building program.), As Introduced |
The bill would amend the Property Code by adding a new chapter to the National Housing Act with the Energy-Efficient Building Accreditation Program. Provisions of the bill would require the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) to work with the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Texas A&M University to develop an energy certification program that would create an incentive for homeowners to become certified in the qualification for energy mortgage products and would assist communities in the qualification for emission reduction credits.
The bill would allow TRCC to establish a public information program that educates homeowners, sellers, and buyers about energy-efficient building ratings. Based on the analysis of TRCC, it is assumed that duties and responsibilities associated with implementing the provisions of the bill could be accomplished by utilizing existing resources.
The bill would take effect September 1, 2005.
Source Agencies: | 370 Residential Construction Commission, 582 Commission on Environmental Quality, 712 Texas Engineering Experiment Station
LBB Staff: | JOB, JRO, MW, BC