TO: | Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Chair, House Committee on Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB1836 by Davis, Yvonne (Relating to the establishment of the paternity of a child; providing a criminal penalty.), As Introduced |
The bill would add Section 160.107 to create a misdemeanor offense for a mother to sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity or maintain a proceeding to establish paternity of a man she knows is not the father, with a minor exception. The bill amends Section 160.636 to compel the mother of a child to reimburse a man for support paid if the mother knew the man was not the father. The bill adds Section 160.6365 which would compel the mother to pay all or half of the genetic test costs in cases where the mother seeks to establish the parentage.
The Office of the Attorney General anticipates any legal work resulting from the passage of this bill could be reasonably absorbed with current resources.
Source Agencies: | 212 Office of Court Administration, Texas Judicial Council, 302 Office of the Attorney General
LBB Staff: | JOB, LB, MS, KJG