TO: | Honorable Dennis Bonnen, Chair, House Committee on Environmental Regulation |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB2510 by Bonnen (Relating to the regulation of on-site sewage disposal systems and the maintenance of those systems; imposing administrative and criminal penalties.), As Introduced |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2006 | $0 |
2007 | $0 |
2008 | $0 |
2009 | $0 |
2010 | $0 |
Fiscal Year | Probable Revenue Gain from OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING 468 |
Probable (Cost) from OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING 468 |
Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2005 |
2006 | $212,569 | ($212,569) | 3.0 |
2007 | $173,069 | ($173,069) | 3.0 |
2008 | $173,069 | ($173,069) | 3.0 |
2009 | $173,069 | ($173,069) | 3.0 |
2010 | $173,069 | ($173,069) | 3.0 |
The bill would create an advisory council to assist the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on matters relating to the regulation, design, planning, construction, installation, operation, licensing, maintenance, and inspection of on-site sewage disposal systems. The bill would provide for the TCEQ to adjust fees as necessary to cover administrative costs of the council, including reasonable expenses of its members.
The bill also would grant the TCEQ additional oversight of entities involved in the maintenance of on-site sewage disposal systems and provide penalties for improper maintenance of such systems. In addition, it would require that those involved in maintaining and servicing on-site sewage disposal systems be licensed or registered by the TCEQ.
This estimate assumes that 3 additional FTEs and related costs to the TCEQ will result from the bill's passage to provide administrative support to the advisory council created by the bill, implement the additional registration and licensing procedures required by the bill, and handle the increase in enforcement cases and contested case hearings expected as a result of the bill's passage. Additional costs are included in each year for travel expenses of advisory committee members, and one-time costs are included in fiscal year 2006 for computers, furniture, and modifications to the agency's Consolidated Compliance and Enforcement Database System (CCEDS) and the agency's Central Registry database.
Because the bill provides that the agency could recover any additional costs created by new requirements of the bill, this estimate assumes that the net impact of the bill would be revenue neutral. All costs and revenues in this estimate are shown in the Occupational Licensing Account No. 468 because the license fees the agency would be authorized to increase currently are deposited to the credit of that account.
Source Agencies: | 582 Commission on Environmental Quality
LBB Staff: | JOB, WK, ZS, TL