TO: | Honorable Kent Grusendorf, Chair, House Committee on Public Education |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB3091 by King, Phil (Relating to quality management certification for public schools.), As Introduced |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2006 | ($500,000) |
2007 | ($500,000) |
2008 | ($500,000) |
2009 | ($500,000) |
2010 | ($500,000) |
Fiscal Year | Probable (Cost) from GENERAL REVENUE FUND 1 |
2006 | ($500,000) |
2007 | ($500,000) |
2008 | ($500,000) |
2009 | ($500,000) |
2010 | ($500,000) |
The Texas Education Agency estimates that the cost for school districts and charter schools to hire consultants to help guide them through the ISO 9000 certification process would likely be at least $10,000. The bill would require the commissioner to award grants to support this certification, funded by appropriations made by the legislature for that purpose. For the purposes of this fiscal note, it is assumed that a sufficient grant program would provide districts with half the consultant cost, or $5,000.
The agency estimates that grant programs of $500,000 or less would not place a significant additional administrative cost on the agency. Since the magnitude of the grant program is not contemplated in the language the bill, a reasonable scenario would be that the legislature would appropriate $500,000 annually for grants, allowing 100 districts or charter schools each year to receive a $5,000 one-time grant. The bill would allow the commissioner to establish grant criteria by rule.
Since the size of the grant program would be determined by legislative appropriations for it, the actual cost of the bill would may differ significantly from the estimate contained in this fiscal note depending on actual legislative decisions.
Source Agencies: | 701 Central Education Agency
LBB Staff: | JOB, CT, UP, JGM