TO: | Honorable Dianne White Delisi, Chair, House Committee on Public Health |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB330 by Deuell (Relating to stroke treatment and the designation of certain facilities as stroke facilities.), As Engrossed |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2006 | ($1,250,000) |
2007 | ($1,250,000) |
2008 | ($1,250,000) |
2009 | ($1,250,000) |
2010 | ($1,250,000) |
Fiscal Year | Probable (Cost) from GENERAL REVENUE FUND 1 |
Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2005 |
2006 | ($1,250,000) | 2.0 |
2007 | ($1,250,000) | 5.0 |
2008 | ($1,250,000) | 5.0 |
2009 | ($1,250,000) | 5.0 |
2010 | ($1,250,000) | 5.0 |
The bill would amend the Health and Safety Code, chapter 773, by adding subchapter H, Emergency Stroke Services. The bill would state legislative intent to create an emergency treatment system for victims of stroke. It requires the appointment of a stroke committee to assist the Emergency Medical Services advisory council in development of a statewide stroke plan and stroke facility designation criteria.
The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) would establish a grant program for rural health care facilities located in counties with a population of less than 250,000. The grants would be used for developing and maintaining appropriate stroke care. The bill would allow DSHS to use funds appropriated for the grant program to pay for administrative expenses incurred in developing the stroke plan, adoption of rules, and implementing the grant program.
The bill would take effect September 1, 2005.
The bill would allow the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to use grant funds to pay for staff to develop the stroke plan, implement rules, and to develop the grant program for rural facilities. The bill would allow DSHS to impose and collect fees in connection with the stroke facility designation program. DSHS would review the need for and use of fees to determine how charges would be administered. This cost estimate assumes that the cost of two full-time-equivalents in FY 2006 and five FTEs in FY 2007-2010 is covered by the funds that would be appropriated for the grant program. Should fee revenue become available, it would offset this General Revenue cost.
It is assumed that the appropriation to the Department of State Health Services would be $1,250,000 in General Revenue per year for the stroke grant program. For the purposes of this cost estimate, any fee revenue that may accrue to DSHS is not assumed to offset the cost of staff.
Source Agencies: | 357 Office of Rural Community Affairs, 529 Health and Human Services Commission, 537 Department of State Health Services
LBB Staff: | JOB, PP, CL, KF, MB