Honorable David Swinford, Chair, House Committee on State Affairs
John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1212 by King, Phil (Relating to abortion and parental consent to an abortion; providing penalties.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
The provision of the bill that is the subject of this analysis would amend the Penal Code by creating the offenses of coercion of abortion and assault on pregnant minor. A person would commit a state jail felony if the person uses coercion or assaults a pregnant minor younger than 18 years of age in order to induce or force the minor to have an abortion.
A state jail felony is punishable by confinement in a state jail for any term of not more than two years or less than 180 days, or in addition to confinement, a fine not to exceed $10,000.
For this analysis it is assumed that the number of additional offenders convicted under this statute would not result in a significant impact on the programs and workload of state corrections agencies or on the demand for resources and services of those agencies.