TO: | Honorable Steve Ogden, Chair, Senate Committee on Finance |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB3540 by Pitts (Relating to certain fiscal matters affecting governmental entities; providing penalties.), As Engrossed |
Projected for Fiscal Year 2006
Current |
Proposed |
Difference |
State Contribution Employee Contribution Total Contribution |
6.0 % 6.0 % 12.0 % |
6.0 % 6.0 % 12.0 % |
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% |
31-year Funding Contribution Required* |
7.044% |
7.055% |
+.011% |
Normal Cost (% of payroll) |
12.450 % |
12.450 % |
0.0% |
Net Liability Balance(millions) |
$506.0 |
$506.0 |
$0.0 |
Funded Ratio |
97.6% |
97.6% |
0.0% |
Amortization Period (years) as of |
Infinite |
Infinite |
* While the contribution percentage increases slightly, the actual dollar amount of the contribution decreases since the covered payroll decreases.
Projected for Fiscal Year 2006
Current |
Proposed |
Difference |
State Contribution Employee Contribution Total Contribution |
0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % |
0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % |
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% |
Normal Cost (% of payroll) |
1.621 % |
1.621 % |
0.00% |
Net Asset Balance (millions) |
$49.5 |
$49.5 |
$0.0 |
Funded Ratio |
107.6% |
107.6% |
0.0% |
Period (years) as of |
2.6 |
2.7 |
+0.1 |
A Glossary of Actuarial Terms is provided at the end of this impact statement.
Employees' Retirement System (ERS): HB 3540 as engrossed will reduce the normal cost, actuarial liability, and contribution requirements for ERS slightly in future years. However, since the proposal reduces covered payroll, the normal cost as a percentage of pay and the 31-year contribution as a percentage of pay will increase slightly even though the dollar amount of these items is decreasing.
Law Enforcement and Custodial Officers' Supplemental Retirement Fund (LECOSRF): HB 3540 as engrossed will reduce the normal cost, actuarial liability, and contribution requirements for LECOSRF slightly in future years. However, since the proposal reduces covered payroll, the normal cost as a percentage of pay will increase slightly even though the dollar amount of these items is decreasing.
HB 3540 as engrossed would provide the following changes
· The current 90-day waiting period for new or re-employed state employees or officers to become members of ERS and LECOSRF, applicable to those hired or rehired through
· Require that state employees, who are receiving an annuity from a public retirement system based on state service, are not eligible for longevity pay or benefit replacement pay. The proposal also would require that an employee or state-paid judge, who has left state employment after
· Require that vacation leave would be determined based only on the length of state employment after the retirement date.
HB 3540 as engrossed would extend the 90-day waiting period for membership in ERS and LECOSRF for state employees and officers hired or rehired beyond
The proposal will not change the projected normal cost as a percentage of payroll of ERS for fiscal year 2006. The estimated ERS net liability balance for fiscal year 2006 will remain $506.0 million. The provisions will not change the normal cost as a percentage of payroll of LECOSRF in fiscal year 2006 and the projected net asset balance of LECOSRF in fiscal year 2006 will remain $49.5 million. Though the proposal does not change normal cost for the two systems in fiscal year 2006, it will increase normal cost slightly during the next several years because the entry age of future members will be higher. In fiscal year 2007, the projected normal cost for ERS would increase by .004% of payroll from 12.450% to 12.454%. Under the proposal, the projected normal cost for fiscal year 2007 for LECOSRF would increase by .001% of payroll from 1.621% to 1.622%.
The current contribution rate for ERS is insufficient to provide for normal cost plus amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability over 31 years. Under current law, the state contribution rate would need to increase from 6.0% of payroll to 7.044% of payroll in fiscal year 2006 to achieve a 31-year funding for ERS. Under the proposal, the necessary state contribution for 31-year funding would increase to 7.055%. LECOSRF will remain actuarially sound at the current state contribution rate through fiscal year 2007. According to the ERS/LECOSRF actuary, it is anticipated that at some point in fiscal year 2008 that the actuarial accrued liability will exceed the actuarial value of assets for LECOSRF. A state contribution of 1.621% of payroll will be required when the net asset balance is depleted.
The analysis assumes no further changes are made to ERS and LECOSRF and cautions that the combined economic impact of several proposals can exceed the effect of each proposal considered individually. The analysis relies on the participant data, financial information, benefit structure and actuarial assumptions and methods used in the
Actuarial Analysis by Steven R. Rusher, Actuary, Towers Perrin,
Actuarial Review by Mr. Richard E. White, Actuary, Milliman USA, Inc.,
Normal Cost-- the current annual cost as a percentage of payroll that is necessary to pre-fund pension benefits adequately during the course of an employee's career.
Net Asset / Net Liability--This is the difference between the Actuarial Value of Assets and the Actuarial Accrued Liability. A Net Asset (also called the "Overfunded Actuarial Liability) exists only when the Actuarial Value of Assets exceeds the Actuarial Accrued Liability, and is the amount of this excess. This only occurs when a plan is overfunded. A Net Liability (also called the Unfunded Actuarial Liability) exists only when the Actuarial Accrued Liability exceeds the Actuarial Value of Assets. This only occurs when a plan is underfunded.
Amortization Period-- the number of years required to pay-off the unfunded liability. Public retirement systems have found that amortization periods ranging from 20 to 40 years are acceptable. State law prohibits changes in TRS, ERS, or JRS-2 benefits or state contribution rates if the result is an amortization period exceeding 30.9 years.
Source Agencies: | 338 Pension Review Board
LBB Staff: | JOB, WM