The House Committee on Rules & Resolutions 79th Legislature February 22, 2005 During the Reading and Referral of Bills and Resolutions Speaker's Conference Room, Capitol 2W.25 Pursuant to a suspension of the rules and an announcement from the house floor on February 22, 2005, the House Committee on Rules & Resolutions met while the house was in session in a formal meeting and was called to order by the chair, Representative Edwards, at 10:54 a.m. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Otto; Veasey; Zedler (9). Absent: Representatives Gonzales; Hughes (2). A quorum was present. Representative Eissler moved to place the following measures on the Congratulatory and Memorial Resolutions Calendar for Thursday, February 24, 2005: HCR47, HCR62, HCR67, HR202, HR204, HR206, HR207, HR208, HR209, HR210, HR211, HR214, HR215, HR216, HR217, HR219, HR220, HR221, HR222, HR223, HR226, HR227, HR229, HR230, HR231, HR232, HR233, HR234, HR238, HR239, HR240, HR241, HR245, HR248, HR250, HR253, HR254, HR256, HR259, HR260, HR261, HR262, HR263, HR265, HR268, HR269, HR270, HR271, HR273, HR274, HR275, HR277, HR278, HR279, HR280, HR282, HR283, HR286, HR287, HR289, HR290, HR291, HR292, HR293, HR294, HR295, HR296, HR297, HR298, HR299, HR300, HR301, HR302, HR303, HR304, HR305, HR306, HR307, HR308, HR309, HR310, HR311, HR312, HR314, HR315, HR357, HR358, HR362, HR363, HR364, HR365, HR366, HR367, HR368. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Otto; Veasey; Zedler (9). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representatives Gonzales; Hughes (2). At 10:59 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________ Rep. Edwards, Chair