The House Committee on Rules & Resolutions 79th Legislature March 21, 2005 During the Reading and Referral of Bills and Resolutions Speaker's Conference Room, Capitol 2W.25 Pursuant to a suspension of the rules and an announcement from the house floor on March 21, 2005, the House Committee on Rules & Resolutions met in a formal meeting and was called to order by the chair, Representative Edwards, at 11:05 a.m. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Gonzales; Hughes; Otto; Veasey; Zedler (11). Absent: None (0). A quorum was present. Representative Otto moved to place the following measures on the Congratulatory and Memorial Resolutions Calendar for Wednesday, March 23, 2005: HR346, HR347, HR348, HR349, HR350, HR351, HR352, HR353, HR354, HR355, HR356, HR370, HR371, HR399, HR400, HR401, HR402, HR403, HR404, HR405, HR463, HR465, HR467, HR468, HR470, HR472, HR473, HR476, HR479, HR480, HR481, HR482, HR483, HR487, HR488, HR489, HR490, HR491, HR496, HR497, HR498, HR500, HR501, HR503, HR504, HR506, HR507, HR510, HR514, HR518, HR522, HR523, HR524, HR525, HR526, HR527, HR528, HR529, HR530, HR531, HR537, HR538, HR539, HR540, HR544, HR546, HR554, HR555, HR559. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Gonzales; Hughes; Otto; Veasey; Zedler (11). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: None (0). At 11:10 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________ Rep. Edwards, Chair