The House Committee on Rules & Resolutions 79th Legislature March 29, 2005 During the Reading and Referral of Bills and Resolutions Speakers Conference Room, Capitol 2W.25 Pursuant to a suspension of the rules and an announcement from the house floor on March 29, 2005, the House Committee on Rules & Resolutions met in a formal meeting and was called to order by the chair, Representative Edwards, at 2:52 p.m. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Gonzales; Hughes; Otto; Veasey (10). Absent: Representative Zedler (1). A quorum was present. Representative Otto moved to place the following measures on the Congratulatory and Memorial Resolutions Calendar for Thursday, March 31, 2005: HCR74, HCR102, HR406, HR407, HR408, HR409, HR410, HR411, HR412, HR413, HR414, HR415, HR416, HR417, HR560, HR562, HR563, HR564, HR565, HR566, HR567, HR568, HR660, HR661, HR662, HR663, HR664, HR671, HR674, HR675, HR676, HR678, HR682, HR684, HR686, HR687, HR688, HR689, HR692, HR697, HR700, HR702, HR705, HR706, HR708, HR710, HR711, HR712, HR714, HR720, HR721, HR723, HR724, HR725, HR726, HR728, HR733, HR737, HR738, HR739, HR740, HR743, HR744, HR747, HR750, HR751, HR756, HR757, HR758, HR763, HR764, HR767, HR768, HR771, HR773, HR774, HR775, HR777, HR778, HR779, HR780, HR781, HR782, HR783, HR784, HR785, HR786, HR787, HR788, HR789, HR792, HR795, HR800, HR801, HR802, HR803, HR804, HR805, HR807. The motion prevailed by the following record vote: Ayes: Representatives Edwards; Wong; Allen, Alma; Anderson; Blake; Eissler; Gonzales; Hughes; Otto; Veasey (10). Nays: None (0). Present, Not Voting: None (0). Absent: Representative Zedler (1). At 3:02 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________ Rep. Edwards, Chair