HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Environmental Regulation

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Tuesday, April 5, 2005

PLACE: E1.014

CHAIR: Rep. Dennis Bonnen


HB 39            Eissler
Relating to outdoor burning of household refuse; creating an offense.

HB 1609            Chisum
Relating to the allowed wastes and exemptions applicable to certain
municipal solid waste landfill units in arid areas.

HB 1611            Chisum
Relating to the use of money for the low-income vehicle repair
assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program.

HB 2370            McReynolds / et al.
Relating to the regulation of poultry facilities.

HB 2793            Bonnen
Relating to the removal and collection of convenience switches from
motor vehicles; providing penalties.

HB 2862            Chisum
Relating to the regulation of a poultry operation that does not use
a liquid waste handling system.

HB 3141            Hughes
Relating to outdoor burning in certain counties under the Texas
Clean Air Act.



HB 2832