HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: General Investigating & Ethics

TIME & DATE:  9:00AM or 1 Hour prior to Session
             Wednesday, July 20, 2005

PLACE: E2.030

CHAIR: Rep. Kevin Bailey

The House Committee on General Investigating and Ethics will meet in a
public hearing to discuss issues pertinent to the committee that may
require further research and review during the interim. The following list
of issues will be discussed:

1. Special District Local Laws Code. Inconsistency in the establishment of
management and improvement districts. A complete review of the Statute
concerning Special Districts would better prepare the next legislature in
drafting legislation that would meet the needs of the constituents of Texas
and insure uniformity of the Code.

2. The ongoing relationship between attorneys, homeowner associations, and
management companies and their efforts to foreclose on citizens' homes.

3. Request by Chairman Keel that we " Continue to monitor the use of
nuisance abatement authority by the city of Dallas and investigate
unresolved issues pertaining to allegations of possible civil rights
violations possibly committed under color of law by local government.

4. The Parliamentarian and several Committee Chairs have suggested that we
investigate the possible forgery of witness affirmation forms at committee

5. Continue to monitor various education agency actions regarding the use
of Anabolic Steroids by public school students.

6. Rep. Linda Harper-Brown has requested the committee look into the
growing issue of mortgage fraud in Texas.

7. Rep. Bill Zedler has requested the committee to examine the Medical
Quality Review Panel at the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission and
its ties to the insurance industry.

8. Vice-Chairman Ken Paxton has requested the committee to look into the
expenditures of taxpayer money by local governments and school boards to
lobby the Legislature.

Public is invited. No public testimony will be taken.
The Committee will meet at 9:00 am, if the House convenes at 10:00 am,
otherwise, we will meet one hour prior to the beginning of the Legislative
