HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Human Services

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Thursday, March 17, 2005

PLACE: E1.026

CHAIR: Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp

The Committee will meet to consider the following measures:

HB 1377            Jones, Jesse
Relating to the maintenance of area agencies on aging that provide
services for the aging and persons with disabilities.

HB 1503            Davis, John
Relating to the additional exit conference required following
inspection, survey, or investigation of certain facilities.

HB 343            Deshotel
Relating to the regulation of convalescent homes, nursing homes,
and related institutions.

HB 691            Villarreal
Relating to a Medicaid health literacy pilot program.

HB 1356            Villarreal
Relating to a software system for providing a single point of
access to government-funded child-care and education programs.

HB 307            Goodman
Relating to court-ordered representation in suits affecting the
parent-child relationship.

HB 385            Naishtat / et al.
Relating to administrative and judicial review of certain decisions
about public assistance benefits.

HB 470            Davis, John / et al.
Relating to local delivery of aging, disability, behavioral health,
and mental retardation services.

The Committee will stand in recess while the House is in session, and
reconvene after adjournment to hear any remaining measures on the agenda.

Bills may not be taken up in the order specified above, depending upon the
availability of bill authors.



HB 239