HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Land & Resource Management TIME & DATE: 8:00AM, Thursday, March 17, 2005 PLACE: E2.014 CHAIR: Rep. Anna Mowery ___________________________________________________________________________ HB 1704 Kuempel Relating to the approval of certain permit applications by local governments. HB 585 Corte Relating to the requirements for the incorporation of a municipality in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of an existing municipality. HB 1728 Leibowitz Relating to the procedure for the disannexation of territory from a municipality. HB 1408 Mowery Relating to land use provisions restricting the sale, manufacture, distribution, or use of fireworks in certain counties. HB 323 Mowery / et al. Relating to a revision of the procedures for municipal annexation. ___________________________________________________________________________