HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: State Affairs TIME & DATE: 8:00AM, Monday, April 4, 2005 PLACE: E2.010 CHAIR: Rep. David Swinford ___________________________________________________________________________ The committee will meet to consider the following: HJR 6 Chisum / et al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman. HB 905 Delisi Relating to the powers and duties of the state auditor in connection with state contracts. HB 1080 Driver Relating to the suspended execution of the sentence for a tobacco offense committed by a minor. HB 1368 Allen, Ray Relating to the confidentiality of and access to certain personal information in instruments recorded with a county clerk. HB 2017 Swinford Relating to a nonsubstantive revision of statutes relating to the Texas Department of Insurance, the business of insurance, and certain related businesses, including conforming amendments, repeals, and penalties. HB 2018 Swinford Relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 78th Legislature to other Acts of that legislature. HB 2019 Swinford Relating to the nonsubstantive revision of certain local laws concerning special districts, including conforming amendments. HB 2092 Oliveira Relating to authorizing a special events trust fund to support certain Olympic events, including training and development activities. HB 3227 Swinford Relating to requirements imposed under the vehicle fleet management plan. HB 3285 Swinford Relating to the abolition of the State Aircraft Pooling Board and its functions. ___________________________________________________________________________