NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: S/C on Emerging Technologies & Economic Dev.

TIME & DATE: 12:00PM Or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, April 5, 2005

PLACE: Chariman Carona's Desk

CHAIR: Senator John Carona

Chairman Carona suspended the 24 hour posting rule so that the Senate
Subcommittee on Emerging Technologies and Economic Development could
consider the following pending bills:

SB 920            Van de Putte
Relating to creating the Texas Treasure Award to honor businesses
that have existed in Texas for 50 years or more.

SB 1318            Staples
Relating to projects that may be undertaken by or supported by the
tax proceeds of certain development corporations.

SB 1321            Staples
Relating to the creation and operation of a Texas Certified
Retirement Community Program.

SB 1096            West, Royce / et al.
Relating to the operation, funding, and administration of the smart
jobs fund program.

SB 657            Madla
Relating to the expiration of the other events trust fund
established to support local efforts to recruit or retain certain
sports events.

SB 831            Shapiro / et al.
Relating to the creation of programs and funding for emerging
technology industries.

SB 1142            Carona
Relating to the creation of a film industry incentive program.
