NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Intergovernmental Relations

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Wednesday, May 18, 2005

PLACE: E1.028

CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla

To consider the following:

HB 148            Harper-Brown             SP: Carona
Relating to the probationary period of persons appointed to
beginning positions in certain fire or police departments.

HB 731            Jackson, Jim             SP: Madla
Relating to an electronic requisition system for counties.

HB 960            Smith, Wayne             SP: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to regulate
construction and renovation of structures owned by certain

HB 1036            Rose                     SP: Barrientos
Relating to conflicts of interest of policy board members of
metropolitan planning organizations; providing a criminal penalty.

HB 1054            Hope                     SP: Staples
Relating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility
District No. 100; providing authority to impose a tax and issue
bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.

HB 1055            Hope                     SP: Staples
Relating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility
District No. 101; providing authority to impose a tax and issue
bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.

HB 1165            Harper-Brown             SP: Deuell
Relating to the employment of county traffic officers by certain

HB 1287            Leibowitz                SP: Madla
Relating to county abatement of a public nuisance.

HB 1346            Gattis                   SP: Ogden
Relating to the creation of the CLL Municipal Utility District No.
1; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds.

HB 1403            Deshotel                 SP: Janek
Relating to the board of port commissioners of the Port of Beaumont
Navigation District of Jefferson County.

HB 1582            Chavez                   SP: Ellis
Relating to a study of residential foreclosures in certain

HB 1708            Baxter                   SP: Wentworth
Relating to the applicability of state ethics laws to and
indemnification of directors of regional mobility authorities;
providing penalties.

HB 1919            Allen, Ray               SP: Harris
Relating to notice in certain real property transactions concerning
public improvement districts.

HB 2135            Phillips                 SP: Madla
Relating to the creation of a tourist-oriented directional sign

HB 2241            Callegari                SP: Lindsay
Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to require a
contract between a municipal utility district and the municipality
before the district issues obligations.

HB 2382            Hegar                    SP: Staples
Relating to training requirements for certain chief appraisers of
appraisal districts.

HB 2509            Bohac                    SP: Ellis
Relating to jurisdiction of a municipal court over an action to
enforce certain vehicle dealer and manufacturer license plate laws.

HB 2619            Hegar                    SP: Zaffirini
Relating to a program by the Office of Rural Community Affairs to
assist rural areas with the establishment of emergency services

HB 2626            Smith, Wayne             SP: Lindsay
Relating to the penalties and fees imposed by municipalities and
counties in relation to certain false alarms.

HB 2661            Krusee                   SP: Ogden
Relating to the use of competitive sealed proposals for certain
construction projects.

HB 2694            Anchia                   SP: Carona
Relating to the eligibility of certain counties to use the
competitive proposal procedure for certain purchases.

HB 2747            McClendon                SP: Madla
Relating to the administration of a retirement health care plan for
firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities.

HB 2926            Hamric                   SP: Wentworth
Relating to the procedure for listing property in the appraisal
records following certain ad valorem tax sales.

HB 3101            Casteel                  SP: Wentworth
Relating to the filing for record of a plat or replat of a
subdivision of real property.

HB 3195            Smith, Todd              SP: Seliger
Relating to combined municipal sales tax ballot propositions.
