NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Education

TIME & DATE: Or upon adjournment
             Saturday, May 21, 2005

PLACE: Senator Shapiro's Desk

CHAIR: Senator Florence Shapiro

The 24 hour posting rule was suspended so that the Senate Committee on
Education could take up and consider the following pending business
at Senator Shapiro's desk upon adjournment of the Senate.

The Committee will take up and consider the following pending bills:

HB 1687            Dutton                   SP: West, Royce
Relating to fees charged by a juvenile justice alternative
education program.

HB 1826            Grusendorf               SP: West, Royce
Relating to the use of school district resources for the
maintenance of real property not owned or leased by the district.

HB 2330            Morrison                 SP: Shapiro
Relating to the admission of undergraduate students to general
academic teaching institutions and to practices of school districts
that concern the admissions process to institutions of higher

The Committee will take up and consider the following Subcommittee Reports:

HB 1172            Brown, Fred              SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the tuition charged to resident undergraduate students
of institutions of higher education for excess credit hours and to
related formula funding.

HB 1412            Haggerty                 SP: Shapleigh
Relating to the recreational facility fee at The University of
Texas at El Paso.

HB 2212            Quintanilla              SP: Shapleigh
Relating to the student union fee at The University of Texas at El

HB 2806            Morrison                 SP: West, Royce
Relating to the regulation of career schools and colleges.
