                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: S/C on Higher Education

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Monday, April 24, 2006

PLACE: Betty King Committee Room

CHAIR: Senator Royce West

The Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education will hold a hearing on
Monday, April 24, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. or upon adjournment of the Senate
in the Betty King Committee Room, 2E.20.

The Subcommittee will conduct an organizational hearing and hear invited
testimony on the State Auditor's Report on the Reasonableness and
Results of the Tuition Increases Implemented by Four Higher Education
Institutions in the 2004-2005 biennium.

The Subcommittee will also hear invited testimony on Interim Charge #2-
study the cost of education at public institutions of higher education,
specifically, tuition deregulation and student fees.  The Committee will
also review current tuition and fee exemptions and make recommendations
for improving student access to education.
