** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Finance TIME & DATE: 11:00AM Or upon adjournment Thursday, March 31, 2005 PLACE: E1.036 CHAIR: Senator Steve Ogden ___________________________________________________________________________ To consider the following: SB 18 Williams / et al. Relating to the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit other than a school district. SB 187 Zaffirini Relating to permissible uses of money in the comprehensive rehabilitation fund. SB 222 Zaffirini Relating to exempting books purchased by university and college students from the sales tax for a limited period. SB 284 Ellis Relating to charitable contributions by state employees to certain General Land Office programs. SB 616 Averitt Relating to the period for which the deadline for filing a rendition statement or property report for ad valorem tax purposes may be extended. SB 1567 Williams Relating to the amount of longevity and hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 1567 BILLS DELETED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 263