                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM Or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, March 2, 2005

PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Jeff Wentworth

To consider the following:

SB 241            Wentworth
Relating to the creation of an appellate judicial system for the
Third Court of Appeals District.

SB 346            Wentworth
Relating to conforming the law concerning the removal of a guardian
of a ward to amendments made by the 78th Legislature.

SB 347            Wentworth
Relating to the appointment of an appraiser to appraise the
property of a decedent's or ward's estate.

SB 348            Wentworth
Relating to the availability of judges and magistrates for
proceedings related to chemically dependent persons.

SB 349            Wentworth
Relating to the jurisdiction of a court with respect to an action
involving a testamentary trust.

SB 393            Van de Putte
Relating to the designation of certain adults to exercise child
visitation and possession rights on behalf of a parent serving in
the armed forces and deployed outside this country.

SB 435            Gallegos
Relating to the education requirements for a justice of the peace.

SB 436            Gallegos
Relating to the records of a justice of the peace.

SB 438            Gallegos
Relating to service of citation in small claims courts.

SB 439            Gallegos
Relating to eviction suits in justice courts.

Pending business:

SB 145            Wentworth
Relating to liquidated damages for violating certain requirements
relating to executory contracts for the conveyance of certain real
