SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Government Organization TIME & DATE: 1:30PM Or upon adjournment Monday, April 25, 2005 PLACE: E1.012 CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis ___________________________________________________________________________ To consider the following: HB 22 Brown, Fred SP: Shapiro Relating to the disposition of state agency surplus or salvage property. HB 1025 Solomons SP: Shapleigh Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Optometry Board and to contact lens prescriptions and the dispensing of contact lenses. SB 410 Whitmire Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. SB 1201 Ellis Relating to creating an office of civil rights at certain state agencies. SB 1644 Shapleigh Relating to the TexasOnline project, the TexasOnline Authority, and related powers and fees. SB 1645 Shapleigh Relating to creation of an Internet portal for housing resources. Any pending business. ___________________________________________________________________________