NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Government Organization

TIME & DATE: 12:30PM, Monday, May 9, 2005

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Rodney Ellis

To consider the following:

HB 912            Isett                    SP: Ellis
Relating to the maximum cost of certain awards presented to  state
agency employees for professional achievement or outstanding

HB 952            Delisi                   SP: Barrientos
Relating to a pilot program to provide health services to state
employees in state office complexes.

HB 2196            Madden                   SP: Whitmire
Relating to the transfer of surplus data processing equipment to
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

HB 2208            Phillips                 SP: Zaffirini
Relating to the creation of a cultural and fine arts district
program by the Texas Commission on the Arts.

HB 2466            Swinford                 SP: Ellis
Relating to recycling market development.

HB 3227            Swinford                 SP: Lucio
Relating to the management of state agency vehicle fleets.

SB 1651            Staples
Relating to the creation of an office of inspector general at
certain state agencies.

Any pending business.
