NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM Or upon adjournment
             Monday, February 28, 2005

PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Jon Lindsay

To consider the following:

The following nominees will appear:

Texas State Board of Education

Geraldine Miller         Appointed 02-21-05 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-07

Commission on Jail Standards

Albert L. Black          Appointed 02-08-05 for a        Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-11

Stanley Dewayne Egger    Appointed 02-08-05 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 01-31-11

Mark D. Gilliam          Appointed 07-21-04 for a        Armbrister
Aransas County           term to expire 02-01-09

Michael M. Seale         Appointed 02-08-05 for a        Lindsay
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-11

Public Safety Commission

Ernest Angelo            Appointed 01-06-05 for a        Seliger
Midland County           term to expire 12-31-07

Carlos H. Cascos         Appointed 02-11-04 for a        Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 12-31-09

Colleen McHugh           Appointed 02-11-04 for a        Hinojosa
Nueces County            term to expire 12-31-05

Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

Romulo Chavez            Appointed 04-06-04 for a        Whitmire
Harris County            term to expire 08-30-09

Charles R. Hall          Appointed 04-06-04 for a        Seliger
Midland County           term to expire 08-30-05

Betty Harper Murphy      Appointed 04-06-04 for a        Fraser
Gillespie County         term to expire 08-30-09

Gary M. Swindle          Appointed 04-06-04 for a        Staples
Smith County             term to expire 08-30-09

Texas Youth Commission

Donald R. Bethel         Appointed 11-25-03 for a        Duncan
Dawson County            term to expire 08-31-09

Gloria Dickson           Appointed 04-19-04 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 08-31-09

William Mahomes          Appointed 11-25-03 for a        Shapiro
Collin County            term to expire 08-31-09

The following nominees will not appear:

234th Judicial District Court, Harris County

Mauricio Rondon          Appointed 02-16-05 for a        Janek
Harris County            term to expire 11-07-06

Texas Commission on the Arts

Nelson H. Balido         Appointed 01-12-04 for a        Van de Putte
Bexar County             term to expire 08-31-09

Dorothy E. Farrington    Appointed 11-09-04 for a        Janek
  Caram                  term to expire 08-31-09
Harris County

William W. Collins       Appointed 01-12-04 for a        Brimer
Tarrant County           term to expire 08-31-09

Susan Howard-Chrane      Appointed 03-01-04 for a        Wentworth
Kendall County           term to expire 08-31-07

Jacoba-Jetske S.         Appointed 04-16-04 for a        Carona
  Russell                term to expire 08-31-09
Dallas County

George R. Snead          Appointed 01-12-04 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 08-31-09

Mary Hardie Teeple       Appointed 01-12-04 for a        Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 08-31-09

Commission on State Emergency Communications

John D. DeNoyelles       Appointed 02-11-05 for a        Staples
Smith County             term to expire 09-01-09

Heberto Gutierrez        Appointed 02-11-05 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 09-01-09

Office of Rural Community Affairs

Michael Cooper Waters    Appointed 02-04-05 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 02-01-11

State Bar of Texas

Fred E. Aurbach          Appointed 07-22-03 for a        West
Dallas County            term to expire 06-01-06

Lance Richard Byrd       Appointed 08-18-04 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 06-01-07

Mickey Randall Redwine   Appointed 06-09-03 for a        Deuell
Van Zandt County         term to expire 06-01-06

Risk Management Board for the State Office of Risk Management

Ernest C. Garcia         Appointed 02-17-05 for a        Barrientos
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09

Ronald James Walenta     Appointed 02-17-05 for a        Carona
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-11
