SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 1:30PM Or upon adjournment Thursday, May 12, 2005 PLACE: E1.012 CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister ___________________________________________________________________________ CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING: HB 365 Hegar SP: Armbrister Relating to the date of the election of directors for the Coastal Bend Groundwater Conservation District. HB 484 West, George "Buddy" SP: Armbrister Relating to the filing of electric logs with the Railroad Commission of Texas. HB 578 Campbell SP: Armbrister Relating to the inclusion in a regional water plan of information regarding water infrastructure facilities that may be used in an emergency shortage of water. HB 872 West, George "Buddy" SP: Armbrister Relating to the imposition of the pipeline safety annual inspection fee by the Railroad Commission of Texas. HB 881 Seaman SP: Armbrister Relating to the dissolution of the Aransas County Conservation and Reclamation District. HB 1611 Chisum SP: Armbrister Relating to the use of money for the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program; making an appropriation. HB 1673 Cook, Robby SP: Armbrister Relating to the procedure for conversion and creation of a special utility district. HB 1959 McReynolds SP: Armbrister Relating to the hunting of deer with dogs and the taking of wildlife resources without the consent of the landowner; providing penalties. HB 1987 Bonnen SP: Armbrister Relating to the regulation of underground and aboveground storage tanks. HB 2027 Hilderbran SP: Armbrister Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the beds or banks of certain rivers and streams in particular counties; providing a penalty. HB 2045 Puente SP: Armbrister Relating to incorporation of a water supply and sewer service corporation as a nonprofit corporation. HB 2129 Bonnen SP: Armbrister Relating to energy-saving measures that reduce the emission of air contaminants. HB 2410 Bonnen SP: Jackson, Mike Relating to the membership and terms of the board of directors of the Texas Environmental Education Partnership Fund. HB 2428 Puente SP: Armbrister Relating to water and energy saving performance standards for commercial prerinse spray valves. HB 2430 Puente SP: Armbrister Relating to the establishment of a rainwater harvesting evaluation committee. HB 2481 Bonnen SP: Harris Relating to air contaminant emissions reductions, including the continuation and provisions of the Texas emissions reduction plan and the use of money currently dedicated to the Texas emissions reduction plan fund, and to the making of accommodations in certain highway rights-of-way for certain entities. HB 2622 Phillips SP: Estes Relating to boating safety. HB 2679 Phillips SP: Deuell Relating to the development of a regional water supply reservoir project at a site known as Lower Bois d'Arc Creek in Fannin County, Texas. HB 2942 Eiland SP: Jackson, Mike Relating to license fees for commercial fish dealers and shrimp boats. CONSIDERATION OF THE FOLLOWING PENDING BUSINESS: HB 467 Bailey SP: Gallegos Relating to the financing of water and sewer programs and the provision of sewer connections in disadvantaged areas in certain counties. HB 2161 West, George "Buddy" SP: Seliger Relating to the power of the Railroad Commission of Texas to adopt and enforce safety standards and practices applicable to the transportation by pipeline of certain substances and to certain pipeline facilities; imposing an administrative penalty. SB 1724 Gallegos Relating to monitoring and controlling emissions of air contaminants under the Texas Clean Air Act; providing a penalty. ___________________________________________________________________________