SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Natural Resources TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Wednesday, June 28, 2006 PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.028 CHAIR: Senator Kip Averitt ___________________________________________________________________________ The Senate Committee on Natural Resources will meet to consider public and invited testimony on the following: Interim Charge #3 -Identify areas of the state where surface or groundwater was contaminated by petroleum operations. Determine the appropriate regulatory and technical requirements to remediate the contamination and prevent future contamination, and recommend appropriate agency jurisdiction for preventing, responding and remediating such incidents. Interim Charge #4 -Study the increasing use of liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and propane. Examine the way products fit into a diverse fuel mix. Review the current status of LNG terminals on the Texas coast.Study mineral and surface owners rights and obligations for the manner in which they enter and use property. Make recommendations on ways in which surface and mineral owners could communicate more effectively. Monitor the Railroad Commission study of competition in the Texas natural gas pipeline industry. Interim Charge #7 -Study the permitting exemptions and water well regulations in Sec. 36.117, Water Code. Review the jurisdiction over the regulation of groundwater pumping in conjunction with drilling and production of oil and gas. Interim Charge #8 -Review mineral owners and surface owners rights and obligations for the manner in which they enter and use property. Make recommendations on ways in which surface and mineral owners could communicate more effectively. All testimony will be limited to these subjects. Please direct questions to the committee office at (512)463-0390. ___________________________________________________________________________