                          NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice

TIME & DATE:  1:30PM Or upon adjournment
             Tuesday, April 19, 2005

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator John Whitmire

The following bills will be considered:

SB 112            Van de Putte / et al.
Relating to the civil and criminal consequences of engaging in
certain conduct related to the manufacture of methamphetamine and
to the distribution and retail sales of pseudoephedrine; providing

SB 440            Ellis / et al.
Relating to compensation for wrongful imprisonment.

SB 881            Shapleigh
Relating to the qualifications, powers, and duties of a special
ranger and a special Texas Ranger.

SB 905            Whitmire
Relating to the interception of or the collection of other
information from certain communications in an investigation of
criminal conduct.

SB 956            Seliger
Relating to the appointment and jurisdiction of cattle rangers.

SB 1033            Ellis
Relating to the creation of a commission to investigate and prevent
wrongful convictions.

SB 1295            Deuell
Relating to the distribution of proceeds from the sale of certain
forfeited property in a criminal case.

SB 1469            Whitmire
Relating to reporting the deaths of certain individuals.

SB 1791            Whitmire
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of capital murder.



SB 175
SB 273