** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice TIME & DATE: 1:30PM Or upon adjournment Tuesday, May 10, 2005 PLACE: Capitol Extension E1.016 CHAIR: Senator John Whitmire THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED ___________________________________________________________________________ The committee will consider the following bills: SB 172 Harris Relating to the offense of cruelty to animals. HB 47 Keel SP: Wentworth Relating to imposing a civil penalty on a clerk who fails to make available to the public certain information with respect to an arrest or search warrant. HB 68 McClendon SP: Williams Relating to public nuisance actions involving criminal street gangs. HB 129 Berman SP: Eltife Relating to the authority to require a convicted person to perform manual labor for a nonprofit organization. HB 291 Goolsby SP: Carona Relating to victim notification regarding the release of certain defendants following acquittal by reason of insanity. HB 544 Naishtat SP: Zaffirini Relating to the right of certain sexual assault victims to a forensic medical examination. HB 549 Phillips SP: Seliger Relating to prohibiting the introduction of certain items in correctional facilities. HB 706 Haggerty SP: Whitmire Relating to the adoption of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles. HB 823 Keel SP: Hinojosa Relating to the applicability of the offense of unlawful carrying of weapons to certain persons and to the consequence of certain presumptions in the prosecution of a criminal offense. HB 840 Riddle SP: Williams Relating to the forfeiture of contraband used to facilitate or intended to be used to facilitate the commission of certain criminal offenses. HB 969 Keel SP: Hinojosa Relating to court orders for discovery in a criminal case. HB 1098 McCall SP: Zaffirini Relating to using the Internet to obtain identifying information of another person for a fraudulent purpose; providing penalties. HB 1588 Driver SP: Williams Relating to the qualifications and removal of and continuing education requirements for a constable. HB 1813 Pickett SP: Madla Relating to historical reenactments on premises permitted or licensed under the Alcoholic Beverage Code. HB 2275 Cook, Byron SP: Ellis Relating to the forfeiture of certain contraband used in the commission of certain felony intoxication offenses. HB 2885 Giddings SP: Carona Relating to an arrest warrant or complaint for the issuance of a bad check. ___________________________________________________________________________