** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Health & Human Services TIME & DATE: 9:00AM, Tuesday, March 15, 2005 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Jane Nelson ___________________________________________________________________________ SB 248 West, Royce Relating to authorizing the use of approved nonsurgical methods to sterilize dogs and cats. SB 271 Zaffirini Relating to the issuance of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth on request of a parent. SB 424 Carona Relating to the deadline for passing the examination for a license to practice medicine in this state. SB 521 Madla / et al. Relating to exemptions from the law governing emergency medical services for certain transfer vehicles and staff and to the minimum qualifications for obtaining an emergency medical services provider license. SB 523 Deuell Relating to the regional emergency medical dispatch resource center pilot program. SB 563 Janek Relating to the prevention of Medicaid fraud; providing penalties. SB 626 Zaffirini Relating to medical assistance in certain alternative community-based care settings. SB 627 Zaffirini Relating to a pilot program for the transfer of money appropriated for certain institutional care for children to provide community-based services to those children. SB 632 Nelson Relating to dental assistant x-rays. SB 423 Carona Relating to the issuance of a limited license to practice medicine to certain applicants. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: SB 423