SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Transportation & Homeland Security TIME & DATE: 1:30PM, Thursday, April 28, 2005 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Todd Staples At Chairman Staples Desk ___________________________________________________________________________ Permission to suspend the Senate posting rules 11.10 and 11.18 was granted so that the committee could meet upon adjournment at Chairman Staples' desk to consider the following pending business: HB 87 Reyna SP: Madla Relating to the authority of a municipality to alter speed limits in an urban district within the municipality. HB 749 Jones, Delwin SP: Duncan Relating to size and weight limitations for certain vehicles transporting agricultural products and equipment. SB 696 Ogden Relating to testing and examination fee requirements for persons completing certain driver education courses. SB 859 Ellis / et al. Relating to a motor vehicle passing a bicyclist; providing penalties. ___________________________________________________________________________