WITNESS LIST HB 805 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT Border and International Affairs Committee February 23, 2005 - 8:00A For: Cardoza, James Jay (Self) Cuellar, Jaime (Self) Higgins, Mike (TX State Association of Fire Fighters) Luna, Jesse (Self) Sanchez, Lt. Chris (Self) On: Bavousett, Terry (Department of State Health Services) Registering, but not testifying: For: Sprinkle, G.K. (TX Ambulance Association) Against: Mitchell, Kathy (ACLU Texas/LULAC Texas/Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) March 30, 2005 - 8:00A Committee Substitute (Moreno) Registering, but not testifying: For: Figueroa, Luis (Mexican America Legal Defense and Educational Fund) Henson, Scott (Self and American Civil Liberties Union of Texas) Yanez-Correa, Ana (National LULAC)