WITNESS LIST HB 1135 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT Public Health Committee March 23, 2005 - upon final adjourn./recess For: Henning, Lori (Texas Assoc. of Goodwills) Kafka, Bob (Adapt of TX) Kern, Diana (Self and National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of TX (NAMI Texas)) Schwartz, Jonas (Advocacy Incorporated) Suiter, Kim (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) On: Casey, Dianne (Health and Human Services Commission) Hawkins, Albert (Health and Human Services Commission) Lottmann, Larry (Dept Assistive and Rehab Services) Registering, but not testifying: For: Banning, Tom (Tx Academy of Family Physicians) Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans w/ Disabilities) Elrod, Susanne (Texas Council of Community MHMR Centers) Holcomb, John (Self and Texas Medical Association) Kolodzey, Patricia (Texas Hospital Association) Maxwell, Susan M (Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities) Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas) Vasek, Heather (Texas Association for Home Care) Woolbert, Lynda (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice)