HB 1212
State Affairs Committee

April 13, 2005 -  8:00A
    For:      Alonzo, Dee Dee (Self)
              Banks, Maria Mayela (Self)
              Binder, Mary (Self)
              Chunn, Tama (Self)
              Haynes, Brent (TEXAS ALLIANCE FOR LIFE)
              Holloway, L. Nicole (Self)
              Lambert, Ninfa (Self)
              Nuckols, Beverly B (Self and Texas Alliance for Life)
              Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life)
              Trotter, Clayton (Self)
              White, Molly S (Self and Redeemed for Life)
    Against:  Ament, John S. (Self)
              Anderson, Rebecca (People For the American Way and
              League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC))
              Bryson, Martha (Self)
              Edelman, Patti (Self)
              Forde, Katherine (Self)
              Hagstrom Miller, Amy (Whole Women's Health National
              Coalition of Abortion Providers)
              Hays, Susan (Self)
              Holeva, Carla (Planned Parenthood of West TX)
              Lucido, Rita (Self)
              Riddering, Hannah (Self and Texas National Organization
              for Women)
              Solomon, Molly (Self)
              Walsh, Meg (Self)
    On:       Albright, Alex (Self)
              Bednar, Cindy (Dept. of State Health Services)
              Delgado, Evelyn (Tx. DEPT OF STATE HEALTH SVCS)
              Enoch, Craig (Self)